need a little help

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by jesse joe, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    But I have both things! So just tell me what you guys need me to do!
  2. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    Start here!
  3. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    Also test the voltage of the battery, lets start at the beginning!
    CJay likes this.
  4. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    So we established that you have 12 volts at the purple wire coming out of the ignition switch when the key is in the crank position correct? If so, the purple wire goes to the neutral safety switch. You will see a connector at the NSS with two purple wires. In and out. The NSS will only let power through it if the car is in park or neutral

    So with the car in park or neutral, test for 12v at both purple wires. With the key being held in the CRANK position, the neutral safety switch should have 12 volts on both purple wires- 12 volts into the switch and 12 volts out to the starter.
    hwprouty likes this.
  5. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    So this thing?

    Attached Files:

  6. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    Alright so, the were getting 9 volts here from both sides.

    Attached Files:

  7. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    Also! One of the ground wires were destroyed (end was cut off but we replaced it and still didn't work for us But it was for the voltage regulator) also! We put some fusible links on her! But I have the day off tomorrow from work if you want to give me a few more steps that we can do tomorrow
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
  8. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

  9. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    That's the connector for the turn signal switch. Not the ignition switch.

    Jessie- was that meter reading 9 volts or .009 volts? I see two zeros in front of that 9.

    Test the battery voltage as Harold suggested. We need to make sure your battery is fully charged
  10. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah sorry! That multimeter of mine does that, but no it's just 9
  11. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    Also! I mistakenly left the car on While I was at work but I'm just charging the battery as we speak, so just check on the neutral safety switch for the purple wires?
  12. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    Also, should I take the two purple wires on the neutral safety switch off or check when their on it?
  13. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    With the car in park, both purple wires should have 12 volts on them when you hold the key to the crank position. The voltage goes through the NSS.

    Check the battery!!!!
  14. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    Yeah these ones?

    Attached Files:

  15. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    It's all good

    Attached Files:

  16. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Change the scale on your meter from 500 to 20. It will move the decimal over
  17. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    Oh man my bad!
  18. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    So we're getting 12.15 to the battery
  19. jesse joe

    jesse joe Well-Known Member

    And the two purple are getting 12 volts
  20. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    Your battery is essentially dead, still. It should be at 12.6 to be fully charged. It may start at 12.15V, but that is really low. Keep charging it until you get 12.6V before you do much more. Since the problem persists after replacing the starter, I think that the battery might be a problem. A simple way to check is to turn on the headlights (with the battery charger disconnected). If they come on strong, the battery is probably alright, though it is currently still pretty low on charge.

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