The census is coming. Are you black/white etc. Have you had a DNA test? Maybe not what thought.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by jay3000, Jan 22, 2020.

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  1. jay3000

    jay3000 RIP 1-16-21

    I still don't understand why we classify people by race, but on the other hand say that all people are created equal.

    Until we stop, the problem will always be there.
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    On rare occasion, behind the scenes, just based on the title, moderators make book on how long a thread lasts before it implodes. This is one of them.
  3. rmstg2

    rmstg2 Gold Level Contributor

    I'm guessing this could go political and have a short life span!

    Bob H.
  4. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey Totally bananas

    I am a meat popsicle...
    WQ59B and Guy Parquette like this.
  5. jay3000

    jay3000 RIP 1-16-21

    There is no politics involved here.

    That's not the point at all. The point is that people are looked at as a particular "race", and that is not fair at all. Why would you want to classify a person by race?
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
  6. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey Totally bananas

    Unfortunately, the answer(s) is(are) political, and there is no (realistic) expectation that it can be discussed in a public forum such as this.

    It is as old as the nation, and would take a while and lots of time and words to un-wind.

    Here is the best source for understanding why it is how it is today, and a good starting point to "reverse engineer" the whole of it.
  7. jay3000

    jay3000 RIP 1-16-21

    The only way to stop racism is to stop classifying people by what is assumed to be their race.. If their really is such a thing anymore.
  8. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    A quote from Corbin Dallas.:D
    sriley531 and TrunkMonkey like this.
  9. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    People have been classified by race (or looks) for millennia. That's humanity. I agree we should stop doing so, but that is not going to change overnight. It will take generations of people trying to change the thought process.

    America in particular has issues with race because of the original sin of slavery. Slavery may be gone, but the mindsets and attitudes toward race haven't changed.
    68Rivi_In_Cali likes this.
  10. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    Pure bull ****

    You find me one group of people or area that believe blacks,.Mexicans or any other race other than white should be used as slaves now,..and I'll kiss your ass. I'm racist against stupid and lazy people of all color,..myself

    I feel like 90% of people that are classified as racist are just sick of being labeled as such because they don't agree with entitlement,..

    But I agree I dont have an issue clumping us all together for such purposes,..we are all gods God's children,..they should however separate and identify the stupid and lazy people
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
    Donuts & Peelouts likes this.
  11. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey Totally bananas

    And there we go...

  12. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    When I said mindsets and attitudes, I did not mean people still think there should be slaves. I meant people still look down on other races. Which is a legacy of the original sin.
    68Rivi_In_Cali likes this.
  13. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    If we were all the same color, same religion, had the same politics, if we all looked exactly alike, human beings would still find reasons to hate each other. That is the sad truth.
  14. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    This thread has run its course. Contact JW to reopen it.
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