I have a 73 myself when mind went bad I called summit racing they had direct replacement for around 250 bucks
I did the radiator on mine back in 2004/2005. I was able to get I think it was a 4 core Modine from my local NAPA. Not sure if that is still available, but it did the trick and is still in the car today. Just found the receipt, May 2003. Showing as part #365. Paid $280. I just looking it up, I don't think its made anymore. Maybe a local NAPA or radiator shop could cross reference a replacement.
365 is an industry part number (DPI, akin to battery group size or alternator and starter ‘Lester’ number.) You’ll find it from a lot of vendors now; some will be all aluminum, some will be plastic tanks and aluminum core, and most will have a heater return line bunged into the right side tank. The tanks will both be fat and likely require that you trim the insulators and will not fit perfectly (especially on the left side.) The core should be two rows. I’ve used them myself in my GSs and Wildcat, and sold them for years for big block GM cars. They’re not ‘concours’ and will vary from manufacturer-you may have to use an adapter sleeve for a hose and, if the heater return is capped with a rubber nipple, it will fail in a year or two. If a person wants to go with a 365, either buy it local so you can inspect it or but it from somewhere that has human help. Otherwise it’s a crap shoot. (The warehouse at which I used to work bought ffom multiple vendors and used the generic numbers for inventory. You never knew who made what would come down the conveyor belt, and for a shop working on an Accord or Explorer it didn’t matter. Same goes for most volume vendors on the web and most parts stores.) Patrick
It's probably too late, but I have a used one I just pulled out of my Lesabre if you are interested. It was from Summit. It's yours for shipping costs.
Any idea on shipping cost to raleigh nc 27616 It seems my spares leaked as well and its for a car i move maybe every 6 months thank you