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455 Distributor Question

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by Al T, Sep 13, 2024.

  1. Al T

    Al T Well-Known Member

    I’ve installed a Stage 3 455 (according to a previous owner of the car the engine came out of who had no reason to embellish the story) in my ‘69 Gs 400 to replace the 400 that spit a rod.

    It’s currently running an Accel HEI distributor but I want to go back to a stock distributor so I can reinstall the ram air air cleaner. I’ve got a 1112077 distributor from a 71 455 (I believe Riviera) and the original distributor from the 400 out of my ‘69. My plan was to have one of the two recurved to Stage 1(3?) specs, but in the interim, which would be the better distributor to run?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. avmechanic

    avmechanic Well-Known Member

    I would question anything to do with Stage 3 anything. Even stage 2 heads are extremely rare. Parts declared Stage 3 are prototype experimental stuff. They had special intakes and exhaust to work with them. Show some pictures of the heads. Anyway. For the distributor, You could recurve either of those distributors. I would suggest just going to a MSD copy from Ebay or TA. Or pay big dollars for a MSD. They are easy to tune and work well. Here is a link to one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1922055827...TlR83h0thDieNLsqDPJ0C0KQ==|tkp:Bk9SR9a_nMe9ZA

    Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 10.43.00 AM.png

    These distributors are a direct copy of MSD and are indistinguishable from an MSD. The MSD parts fit. They come with a tuning kit to setup the curve and a little booklet to give you the numbers. I would restrict the mechanical to the least amount of advance which is 18 deg I believe. Use the medium springs and then set your timing to 16 degrees and give it a shot. Should work pretty well. Generally to get the best power more initial timing is helpful but if you don't restrict the mechanical it could be too much total timing.
    I see from the attachment you included it looks like you are in Canada. If you are a Facebook user I have have a Buick group primarily for Classic Buick guys in Western Canada but have allowed members from all over. If you are in BC even better. Look for BC Classic Buicks on Facebook.
    Hopefully that is helpful info.
    Al T and Regalproject213 like this.
  3. Al T

    Al T Well-Known Member

    Thanks Greg.
    Just joined.
    I assumed the heads are Stage 1. The previous owner from the 90's stated they were stage 3 heads. He had no reason to lie about it.
    I did go in with a borescope and they are big valve heads. I should have taken photos of the exhaust ports when I had the manifolds off but the guy hadn't made the comment about it being his old car at that time though. It was sold to me as a Stage 1 engine.
    455 Stage Valves.png
    I split my time between Edmonton and St. Louis.

    Last edited: Sep 13, 2024
    avmechanic likes this.
  4. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Kenne Bell used to advertise their ported Stage1 iron heads as Stage3. This has created multitudes of confused and angry people over the last 30 years.
    Rob Ross, Brett Slater and avmechanic like this.
  5. avmechanic

    avmechanic Well-Known Member

    This is a much more likely scenario. The guy could very well believe what he was saying and was just mentioning what he thought they were to the best of his knowledge. If the engine is running exhaust manifolds then they are sure to be a stage 1 style casting as the other heads had different exhaust ports that were only used with headers.
  6. Schurkey

    Schurkey Silver Level contributor

    Too bad you can't make it fit the other air cleaner. I'd rather have dental work than go back to Prehistoric Points.

    Whichever one has less wear or in better condition. But better to have a magnetic trigger and HEI module, or an aftermarket spark-box.
  7. Al T

    Al T Well-Known Member

    Well, I pulled the Accel distributor and installed the points distributor. Runs nice and now has the stock ram air air cleaner on the engine.
    Anyone looking for an Accel distributor?
    F05D7135-FFDA-4929-A366-374774CA161A.jpeg 61B26864-29A4-4F96-A812-3C1AD9A16348.jpeg
    Dadrider and 12lives like this.
  8. Matt Knutson

    Matt Knutson Well-Known Member

  9. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    Toss that fram filter in the trash.
    Brett Slater likes this.
  10. Al T

    Al T Well-Known Member

    What’s the recommended filter? I’ve heard all the trash talk about Fram filters, but it was what was available.
  11. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

  12. Tomahawk

    Tomahawk Platinum Level Contributor

  13. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    You should also order a repop fuel line. That rubber will be a fireball at somepoint.
    Schurkey likes this.
  14. Al T

    Al T Well-Known Member

    I was planning on that. Any suggestions on a supplier for a fuel line?
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
    knucklebusted likes this.
  15. flh73

    flh73 Gold Level Contributor

    Inline tube but be prepared to manipulate the lines to fit perfect. They have the corrects bends but never just a fall in situation. Can get in steel or stainless.
  16. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    Todd Miller at Stage1Restoration has them if that is a Stage 1 pump. That one is standard. He has stainless as well.
  17. 436'd Skylark

    436'd Skylark Sweet Fancy Moses!!!!!

    I would recommend Todd.
  18. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    Always Todd whenever possible

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