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Aftermarket A/C heat defrost in 70-72 A body?

Discussion in 'The Big Chill' started by lostGS, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. lostGS

    lostGS Well-Known Member

    Has anyone put in an aftermarket HVAC system in their A body. With pulling the motor for rebuild I am going to clean up the engine compartment. I am thinking of getting ride of the huge A/C box on the firewall. Smoothing the firewall. So has anyone done this?

  2. nekkidhillbilly

    nekkidhillbilly jeffreyrigged youtube channel owner

    someone used vintage air on here. Im sure some chevelle stuff will work.
  3. 72gs4spd

    72gs4spd Well-Known Member

    Watching I considering to do the same thing for a couple reasons. First and foremost space, secondly better efficiency and cooling.
  4. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    I used a Company in Florida called Original Air to replace my compressor.
    This new compressor is a rotary type and it's really made a huge difference in my cooling during the summer. Vet

    Here is the link, https://www.originalair.com/
  5. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    Do some research on the Vintage Air..Apparenty,the Olds 442 kit is more adaptable than the other GM A body cars There is no plug and play for the Buicks. I put the VA defroster/heater in my drag car for when it gets later in the year and windows steam up. It is a pretty nice unit but no A/C. You will also have to hve a compressor and make your own brackes or get a set from member LonghornSS. They are really nice brackets.The controls are what's the toughest part. I made mine from a stock control panel and adapted the VA controls.
  6. 72gs4spd

    72gs4spd Well-Known Member

    Anybody have any input/pictures of their aftermarket vintage air installs. Pulled the dash apart this weekend lots of wiring hacks and some damage to the A/C heater box. Nothing that couldn’t be repaired but this just solidified my choice to ditch the factory A/C. All and any input appreciated. Thanks Steve

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