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CARS LLC Intro and Welcome Post

Discussion in 'Cars (oldbuickparts.com)' started by Logan Cecchine CARS LLC, Feb 4, 2025 at 1:33 PM.

  1. Logan Cecchine CARS LLC

    Logan Cecchine CARS LLC Logan CARS LLC

    Hi All,

    Would like to start out by saying I am very happy to have a direct thread where we can answer any questions you may have about our parts. In the future, we will have a consistent and dedicated presence here. Whether it be product requests, questions, comments, or any info at all, we at CARS appreciate your continued support and business.

    As we continue to grow and change, your input has been vital in our progress to make and carry more parts every year.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Logan Cecchine
    President and Owner CARS LLC
  2. Stage 2 iron

    Stage 2 iron Platinum Level Contributor

    Logan, glad to see you have a direct thread for Q&A welcome A board from all of us. Just have a quick question do you still have available the cam gear oiler for a 455? If so, is it in stock?
  3. bill lagna

    bill lagna Well-Known Member

    Hi Logan , Good idea for the post .I have known your Dad since we both were very early
    venders at Carlisle . Keep the parts coming !!! LOL
    Bill Lagna
  4. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    Thanks Logan. Appreciate your presence and support of this site.

    Any interest in reproducing the '68-72 non-consolette shift boot? At one time Year One made it but is long since discontinued & apparently that mold no longer available (idk why not). Admittedly a limited market but I've spoken to a lot of people who need one (I need 2) & if no company steps up, I'll wind up having them made as a last resort.

    Also, just my 2 cents regarding any reproduced part, I'd much rather pay more for a better/exact reproduction and see that part kill the value of NOS/nice used examples.
    Brett Slater likes this.
  5. cole

    cole Platinum Level Contributor

    Nice to see you here Logan! You guys have been oh so helpful in my Buick builds over the years, I thank you for your service, help and quality parts to keep these Buicks being restored and kept on the roads:). I will be going through your catalog as I start my 64 Skylark build, Cheers..........Cole
  6. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member


    Can you update me on the 5 items pictured/listed below that I sent you last March to reproduce?

    Upper and lower radiator overflow reservoir hoses. Thick walled & ribbed.

    Clutch Z Bar seals: inner & outer.

    2 wire spark plug wire loom.


    20250204_164806.jpg 20250204_163726.jpg 20240303_093907.jpg 20181027_113208.jpg
    Ken Mild, Daves69, Dano and 1 other person like this.
  7. Logan Cecchine CARS LLC

    Logan Cecchine CARS LLC Logan CARS LLC

    Stage 2 iron likes this.
  8. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Thank you! and Welcome!
  9. This will be interesting. I stopped using CARS, LLC a decade ago because of poor customer support. It was so bad I use one of your wholesalers and gladly paid more to not deal with CARS. I'm interested to see if service is improved.
  10. Logan Cecchine CARS LLC

    Logan Cecchine CARS LLC Logan CARS LLC

    I would like to think that we are able to help and provide good service. No company is perfect, and I know that there are always issues along the way. There was a brief instance where the company was owned by someone else, and that small time period did damage some of our relationships. For 50/51 years it has been owned by my Dad and me. I stand behind what we offer and do, and as sponsors of the GS Nationals and other Buick groups, we pride ourselves on giving back to the Buick community through our products, support, and donations. If you need anything specifically, please let me know.
    12lives, Waterboy, pbr400 and 3 others like this.
  11. GSX10/10

    GSX10/10 Well-Known Member

    Logan, welcome and thank you for all your efforts and support for Buicks over the years. Looking forward to any new items for the GS455.
    bill lagna likes this.
  12. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    Logan, welcome aboard.
    This is JR White.
    Back in December of 2021 i bought your bucket seats (PUI) for my 70 GS Skylark.
    They came out great. Bought seat covers from Ledgendary.

    I'll attach a pic so you can see them.
    Is Kevin still working for you?
    Regards JR White

  13. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    I've bought quite a few items over the last 8 years and haven't had any issues with quality or customer service.

    That said, can you give me any update on the parts I sent you last year, posted above?

    Ken Mild and breakinbuick11 like this.
  14. 72Ron

    72Ron Active Member

    Hi Logan welcome, would you consider reproducing the plastic elbow that attaches to the bottom of the ram air cleaner?
  15. Logan Cecchine CARS LLC

    Logan Cecchine CARS LLC Logan CARS LLC

    Hi Brett,

    Hoses are almost done. The wire retainer is about 2 months away, the other pieces are still in the "request" phase of manufacturing. Hopefully, things start to settle with the cost of materials so we can make some of this smaller stuff.
    Brett Slater likes this.
  16. Logan Cecchine CARS LLC

    Logan Cecchine CARS LLC Logan CARS LLC

    Hi Ron,

    I will consider anything. For now, I can do some research to see the ability to make it.
    bill lagna likes this.
  17. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    You have a vendor who does
    3D printing?
    That small elbow might be a good build. Vet
  18. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member


    Looks like you might have some new bits to bring to BG this year, if that's the case.

    Good to hear!
  19. 72Ron

    72Ron Active Member

    Vet, Is there someone who produces the elbows now?
  20. VET

    VET Navy Vet, Founders Club

    I really don't know. I only suggested to old buickparts.com, that if they can find a vendor that uses a 3D printer, this elbow could be made.

    I did a quick search online for elbows and found one maker, but it looks like elbows for Fords.
    You might want to call them.
    See link below. Vet


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