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R.I.P AzChevs Joe

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by oldschool85, Feb 4, 2025 at 4:04 PM.

  1. oldschool85

    oldschool85 Well-Known Member

  2. Stage 2 iron

    Stage 2 iron Platinum Level Contributor

    Dam! 55 Way too soon, condolences to friends and family!
    Max Damage likes this.
  3. accelr8

    accelr8 Well-Known Member

    Condolences to and prayers for his loved ones.
  4. wovenweb

    wovenweb Platinum Level Contributor

    Condolences to his family and friends. Met him about a year ago as I went through Sierra Vista and picked up some parts. I went to high school and after in Phoenix when he was living there but didn't have any common acquaintances.
  5. Duane

    Duane Member

    Sorry to hear of his passing. I know he helped a lot of people here with their projects.
    Max Damage likes this.
  6. newmexguy

    newmexguy Well-Known Member

    Just heard about Joe's passing three days ago. I've known him for twenty years. Met him on some early internet forum in the early 00's. Joe worked for the McClure father / son team of DVAP in their early days. Likely pre-early "Desert Car Kings" timeframe. He did counter work, did Spanish translation, and did title transfers and checks. He later did his own business, full time. Hauled more than one carcass out to him, to be "sliced and diced" with spot weld removal. He was dialed into the metal section market, I tried it, and found it to be too difficult to generate reasonable income. Joe knew how to tap into the annual Phoenix classic shows (Barrett-Jackson & Mecum) for contacts and customers. He was one of a kind, and will be missed. Godspeed, Joe.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025 at 10:14 AM
    Max Damage likes this.
  7. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    RIP, sorry to hear and way to young.
  8. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

    I have known Joe for many years and he will be missed, RIP.
  9. cole

    cole Platinum Level Contributor

    So sorry to hear. I had a couple nice chats with Joe, and he helped me out big time with some super nice dry structural so hard to find parts for one of my 68's. I was amazed at his packing skills, with getting all the pieces neatly put into one big box! He will be missed for sure RIP

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