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Transmission Wiring Question

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by Dan E, Feb 3, 2025.

  1. Dan E

    Dan E Well-Known Member

    I've replaced the original TH350 in my 72 Skylark Custom with a 4l60E. I need a keyed 12v source to power the controller and am wondering if the original wire in the harness that ran to the vacuum solenoid could serve that purpose? While the schematic shows it to be a pink wire, it's actually black/pink.
  2. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    I would think so but test to see if it only has power in the run position and not also in the accessory position.
  3. Dan E

    Dan E Well-Known Member

    Thanks, make sense. There are no electronics in the car yet, battery, alternator, starter, etc. I'm in the process of going through the engine harness to make sure I have power for everything new to the car, EFI, transmission, electric fuel pump, etc. I may have to wait to confirm once I'm further along, unless there's a way to test without power in the car.
  4. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    You could supply 12 volts to the main power leads that attach to the starter solenoid. The only problem with that is potential shorts to ground from existing terminals that are disconnected.

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