1/4 panel ---cutting em both at same time

Discussion in 'Chassis restoration' started by rex362, May 16, 2008.

  1. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    Last edited: May 16, 2008

    SS-TRUCK Stage 1 X

    YOu would have to make VERY sure you have the new panel fit very close so when you remove the old panel the fit would not change too much . I will look at that method when I do 1/4s on my car . Seems like it would save some work and get to cut lines on the same plain .
  3. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    did some more searches and it seems its a common practice with
    our cousins at Chevelle ....

    I have not seen this way done or mentioned here before ...:Do No:

    seems its the way to go for a first timer ...like me......

    anybody here that has used this cut and puzzle technique ??
  4. Paintworks

    Paintworks GS Restorations

    I've done that on small repair panels. The trouble with a quarter is that you will be two far away on your wheel well. You need the skin to sit tight on the wheel well. I usually remove most of the quarter, trim my repair panel/skin to size. Then I use the trimmed skin to mark where the old quarter will be final cut. Depending on the job we will but weld the panels on most likely flange and over lap them.
  5. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    yep...that makes sense on the wheel well end ......
  6. cpk 71

    cpk 71 im just a number

    Frank, are you ready to do the quarters? I have some time in my schedule i'd love to help. I didnt think they were that bad,its been a while though. Give me a call
  7. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    a couple months ...

    how you been ..?
  8. cpk 71

    cpk 71 im just a number

    Good workin on the house a bunch but thats windin down so time to start on the car. I'll call you this week aight.

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