14 inch JJ stamp

Discussion in 'The Hides' started by sparkplug, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    Hello these wheels are from an AMC does anybody know what the stampings mean?? I would like to know what year they are .. :TU: Thankyou Randy

    Attached Files:

  2. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

  3. Duane

    Duane Member

    Those numbers will not tell you what year they are. If these are chrome wheels you need to look at the back side of the rim. If you look at the lip, where the balancing weights would clip on, you should see a series of numbers. That will tell you the year, sometimes the weights actually cover over the numbers. If it is a painted rim,or had a trim ring, then the numbers may be near the valve stem.

    If you take a picture of these numbers I can probably decode it.
  4. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    Thanks Duane I will get that to you.. I didn't forget the Build sheets either.. They will be going out this week.. Randy
  5. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    Ok Duane here they are.. M1 8 15 60 ..Thankyou Randy
  6. Duane

    Duane Member


    "Ok Duane here they are.. M1 8 15 60"

    OK, I have almost all the info, but there is one more piece you need to supply. There is a line and a small number directly under the "M1", I need to know what that number is.

    The full number should read as follows,

    M1 8 15 60

    When you give me that Number I can tell you the date the wheel was assembled.
  7. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    OK under the M1 there is a /3/ on the inside the rim all four have M13 He also has two of them that have M1 8 4 60 what is the difference...
  8. Duane

    Duane Member


    M1 8 15 60

    Would decode as August 15, 1973

    M1 8 4 60

    Would decode as August 4, 1973


    PS. If you can I would appreciate it if you could post a picture of this. I would like to see how the code looks compared to the ones from GM wheels.
  9. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    Sorry this listed the numbers wrong on the second one they are
    M1 1 4 60 would this be a 1975?
  10. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    Thanks again Duane!!!
  11. Duane

    Duane Member

    M1 1 4 60

    Would decode as January 4, 1975.

    That's why I asked for a picture, because it's too hard to figure most of these codes out by typing them.
  12. sparkplug

    sparkplug Well-Known Member

    Yeh, I would love to send one but they are at a friends house and I am talking with him over the phone... Thankyou Duane!!!

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