2nd Straight Day of SNOW!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by NOTNSS, Sep 20, 2004.


    NOTNSS Gold Level Contributor

    It's no hurricane but we woke up to snow on the ground again today. High of 48* they say. It's two weeks too early - deer season opens Oct. 3. The 10,000 ft. mountains near the house are sure pretty with snow on top of still green tress (not for long) but I could sure use a few more weeks (like about 8) of decent cruise and golf weather. It'll be back.

    And FYI, it ain't "Indian Summer" until after Nov. 1 according to the Farmer's Almanac. Indian Summer is way over used for any day that's nice following weather like we're having.
  2. Buick_350X

    Buick_350X Guest

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :beer
  3. benderbrew

    benderbrew Well-Known Member

    Gary, it's 80 degrees on my back porch, the neighbor gals are wearing thongs, and the tops are down on all the convertibles.
  4. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Wow, we had 90's on the weekend, 80 and rain today. It's coming our way though, 60's the rest of the week. I'm not ready for fall/winter yet!
  5. buickx

    buickx Well-Known Member

    I don't want to here about it !!!!! I hate snow :rant: :rant:
  6. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Snow in nevada just sounds wierd.

    It's been really nice around here, mid 70's during the day and hitting low 60's at night.
  7. unclelar

    unclelar Well-Known Member

    the whole concept of winter sucks to me
    I hate cold , snow and all that goes with it
    one good thing this year is that I have a new garage to migrate to and get me through the nasty Illinois winters !!!

    NOTNSS Gold Level Contributor

    There's a lot more to Nevada than Lost Wages. I'm 450 miles north of LV (that a lot of latitude) and elevation of 5500'. Nevada is the most mountainous state in the Continental US. Las Vegas is an aberation. Gets
    -30F here some winters and always windy. Gotta love it.. or not.

    Hey Len, GSIYH pal. One of them thong babes and a glass of ice water would KILL YOU! :moonu:
  9. D-Con

    D-Con Kills Rats and Mice

    Gary, it ain't much better up here...although it doesn't smell like sage brush everywhere :) And the girls here in Missoula are still trying to pretend it's summer....:D
  10. meanmotor74

    meanmotor74 mmm.....pineapple

    Mods Jump On This One!!!!

    This guy is using the unfathomable "S" word :pp. Ugg PLEASE!! don't remind us up here in WI the horror! the horror!!!


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