3.8 supercharged swap?

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by lark678, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. lark678

    lark678 Well-Known Member

    I've got a 95 riviera 3.8 supercharged engine --69000 miles just spun the bearings I think. I haven't checked it yet. Does anyone know if I swap out to a non supercharged 3.8 do I have to change the computer? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. doc

    doc Well-Known Member


    I dont have any experience with the 3.8 but from past experience with computer engines, I would say probably have to change out the main wiring harness and the brain box/ boxes. along with the engine.
    I once put a multi port Fi on my jeep truck that came origonally with just a carb and no computer. Basicly I had to build a wiring harness for it. You might have to do it that way, but it can be done.

    CTX-SLPR Modern Technology User

    While I don't know Riv's spefically the L67 Supercharged motor has a 2-bar MAP and a Booste Bypass Valve as far as different electronics on the Series II motors. I'd hazard a guess that you'd need to swap the chip in the Series I computer, switch to a 1-bar MAP and just hang the BBV circuit up in the engine bay. I know Rivs of that generation came with the L36 NA motors aswell so I'd try to find one of them as a transplant so that the accessories are garenteed to line up and such and it would also supply the chip/ECM for that application.
  4. JohnD1956

    JohnD1956 Well-Known Member

    95 riv engine swap

    I was just thinking today, how would one get away with dropping the 430 from my 69 Electra into my 95 Riv? I mean I know it would be a next to impossible task physically, but I wonder if the DMV would buy that it was a 69 instead of a 95, so you wouldn't have to worry about all the emissions issues?

    Oh well, it's fun to dream about I suppose.

  5. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Unless you ran it low on oil, I'd be very surprised if you spun a bearing. The 3800 engine is a very sturdy motor. Why do you think it spun a bearing? If it is making noise, a loose balancer or cracked flexplate are more likely.
  6. 1973GS464

    1973GS464 Well-Known Member

    On my 95 Riv I had the balancer go bad. The balancer was making some god awful grinding noises whenever I gave it any gas. I remember also thinking that it sounded like a serious internal engine problem. As far as swapping out the engine in a '95, I wouldn't. Electrical nightmare! At one point someone offered me a series II supercharged motor, those ones happen to be seriously upgradeable, lots of aftermarket parts available. But when I thought about everything involved, computers, wires everywhere, exhaust etc.... Just wasn't worth it to me.

    Unless you know its a bearing, check out that balancer!

  7. lark678

    lark678 Well-Known Member

    I hadn't had a chance to check the engine at the time I posted my thread and have since been told by several people that it's most likely the harmonic balancer . Will know today! Thank you all for your input and help! I have had and still have several 3.8 engines and never had any problems with them. Have always considered them one of the best. In my search I may have got lucky, found another 95 riv supercharged, gold,tan leather,105,00 miles. Has a salvaged title from a 14 point deer collision which is common here in so. ohio!!! I may purchase it or if anyone has an interest in it let me know. Thanks again for everything to all!!!!
  8. lark678

    lark678 Well-Known Member

    I forgot to add that the gold riv is rebuilt and repainted. actually I can't understand why the insurance totalled it. Maybe it's because of those high dollar Buick Parts! Could be because the owner is related to the insurance agent!?

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    A friend of mine is parting out a SC 95 Riv. Engine had miles but still ran.

    Should be a bunch of stuff on ebay either now or soon.
  10. 1973GS464

    1973GS464 Well-Known Member

    lark678- Forgot to mention that there are two different balancers for that motor. One with small weights and the other with large ones. We could not find any part number on the original so we ordered both new ones for comparisons sake. Mine turned out to be the one with small weights..
  11. lark678

    lark678 Well-Known Member

    :ball: I guess I have to believe it now. Bearings are gone! I knew something wasup when went to pick this car up and the guy kept stalling, telling me to stop and have lunch,etc. "we're having the oil changed" even after I said not to. Oh well,drive to BOSTON -could have changed my mind,but wanted to get my Dad one last Rivvy before the last session of chemo. All is well with the car now,found another engine 56000 miles ,it's in-just gotta finish the small stuff and hopefully if Dad survives the2 months he's been given buy the doctors and can enjoy one more drive- or ride, IT'S ALL worth IT !! Thanks to all for your help and input!
  12. 1973GS464

    1973GS464 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear all that! Hope the ride goes as planned!!!!!!!!!


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