4 spd Bellhousing

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by BK455-, May 2, 2007.

  1. BK455-

    BK455- Rest In Peace

    What is the best route to go to acquire a bellhousing for our 455's? Ebay, a fellow member on this site? After market has scatter shields, but i can't seem to find a bellhousing. Anyone have one on here?

    I would really appreciate it

    Dennis in R.I.
  2. izanurse

    izanurse Platinum Level Contributor

    I think I have one. I am out od town until the 11th of May. I will check when I get home. I would part with it, provided I haven't already parted with it and forgotten. Allen Mandeen
  3. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta

    I may have another one I can part with, but also out of town til this weekend. So will have to look, too!
  4. BK455-

    BK455- Rest In Peace

    That would be great if either one of you have one. There is one on ebay right now that i just spotted, but who knows how high it will go. I guess i will take my chances and wait for either of you to check when you get home. I am willing to pay reasonable price plus shipping.

    Thanx..........if anyone else definitely has one please reply.
  5. Dave Hanlon

    Dave Hanlon LARGE MEMBER

    pm sent

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