65 Skylark Quarter Panels

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by getnbye, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. getnbye

    getnbye 65GS.COM

    It continues to amaze me how many people out there are looking for new quarter panels for the 65 Skylark.

    I contacted Goodmark about when or if these would ever be availble and recieved this response.

    "No plans to make those at this time because of the low demandsorry!"


    However, it seems that everywhere I look, these are in very high demand.

    After owning 5 of these cars (still own four) I want my name at the top of the list whenever they decide to restamp them. :Brow:
  2. jmos4

    jmos4 Well-Known Member

    65/64 quaters and even patch panels

    I just joined you site and seems pretty cool

    I agree I have been in the search for a 65 post car for 3+ years and have seen lots of cars that I could have bought but all needed attention to quaters which has slowed my search

    I also have a 64 that is in need of quaters as well and been holding onto it in the hopes the repo world gets to these

    can I be second in line?

    is there any sheet metal manufactures that people could approach to start manufacture of these let me know I would be willing to give them a call or write a letter.
  3. xhp734

    xhp734 Hearing the Voices again.

    Dibs on the third spot in line!
  4. Legendary

    Legendary Well-Known Member


    This spring I passed on the purchase of a '65 because it needed quarters. I bought a '70 instead which is rust free. I still love the '65's though.

    Again a case where if the aftermarket would support them they would be a more reasonable proposition as a project car.

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