'66 or '67 headrests

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by baron_, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. baron_

    baron_ Member

    i'd take the headrests or the mounting plates - either
    i've got nothing - collecting parts

    i know you can buy the stuff new
    but rather get used/cheap and mock it up first - see if i like them

  2. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Good luck - I've been looking for 6 months! I assume you want the style with two posts? I did find a later year pair with mounting brackets which I hope to adapt to my 67. I've seen one nice early pair with brackets on ebay - just one. :Dou:

    - Bill
  3. baron_

    baron_ Member

    at this point, it might be easier to buy them new, than keep looking

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