67' glass' ????

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by buickdav, Dec 13, 2003.

  1. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.

    Hey yall,

    Kinda funny how you get an "idea" in your head, and parts start falling from the skies isn't it ? Anyways..............I have had this idea in my head for awhile now and I need some info........... What and where can I get all the 67' fiberglass possible for a lark'/GS ? I wanna know everything that is available out there ANYWHERE !!! WS lists a pin on hood and front bumper and thats it. Someone out there must make a deck and rear bumper don't they ? Fenders, doors maybe ????? Kinda like to know this before I make a final decision(and really make the wife mad,lol).

  2. rtabish

    rtabish Well-Known Member

  3. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.

    Thanks for the info and it is looking a bit better(making the wife mad that is,lol). Anyone know of anywhere else just to compare prices ????

    Thanks again...........................

    (ps. you sell the 67' yet ?)
  4. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    I understand that Ron Pelligreni not only raced fiberglass Buicks, but he also owned the company that made them. I think it was "Fiberglass LTD". Makes you wonder if he is still living and if he has any parts or molds left. Just some food for though. We outta get "Stage III" on the case:TU:

    Attached Files:

  5. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.


    I have seen that picture several times and would love to have that car. 67' is the best Buick year for me, i just love them. I have NO idea if its alive still, but the day I find it somewhere sitting in a barn I am selling everything I have to buy it,lol. That car deserves to be restored with perhaps a set of new Buick aluminum heads on it, and maybe a new block, :Brow: . hummmmmmmmmmmmmm

  6. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    I wasn't suggesting locating the car, although that would be nice. I'm suggesting that someone try to contact Ron Pelligreni and see what he's got left. Seriously, someone try it. I wouldn't know were to start, but maybe one of the board members with some credibility (Buick racer, business owner, etc) could attempt this.
  7. buickdav

    buickdav Kris' other half.

    Agreed Dan,

    May be a good idea. I don't know him but I am sure someone here does.


    p.s. hows the mail load on your end ? We're getting 2 trucks a day here now. busyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:gt:
  8. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    Lotsa Mail. I think tomorrow is the peak day. Lotsa OT I think!

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