67 GS trunk rattle....Help Please!!

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by Chi-Town67, May 5, 2008.

  1. Chi-Town67

    Chi-Town67 Gold Level Contributor

    Ever since I bought this car there's been a nasty rattle coming from the trunk area. It didn't bother me too much 'cause I knew it had to be something inside that was causing it. I had the trunk jam packed with extra parts and whatnot. So over the weekend I asked my wife if she wanted to take a ride to grab a cup of coffee. She says " Ok, but do we have to go in THAT RATTLE TRAP" Well after being insulted like that,I figured while she went inside for a few minutes i'll empty the trunk out and take care of "THAT RATTLE TRAP". Well.........shortly after pulling out of the garage I heard the most god-awlful rattle EVER in all my years. Now that the trunk was completely empty, including the spare and jack, the rattle got amplified! Holy SHEET BATMAN, NOW WHAT!! To make a long story short, I discovered that the trunk skin on the passenger side has seperated from the framework and is loose as a goose. I've had that happen on a hood before and it wasn't too hard to fix with expanding foam. But in the trunk there's not enough open space in the framework to use the same technique. Anyone ever have a similar problem like this? Any tricks, products or techniques that might work would sure be appreciated!

  2. BlackGold

    BlackGold Well-Known Member

    My advice is that the next time your wife complains about such a rattle, shove her in the trunk, take her for a ride, and have her tell you where the rattle is. :laugh:
  3. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    Just use some urethane cement to rebond the outer skin. Place some wieght on a protected trunk to get a rattle free tight bond. Sometimes the torsion rods for the trunk lid can rattle too - a piece of rubber tubing around one of the rods where they cross
    (. . . like the factory did) will prevent this. :TU:

    THEGSX Professional 66 GS Nut !!

    Yeah I wouldnt use expanding foam...one it looks nasty and not stock..two you should use a urathane out of a caulking gun is best... tension rod rubber might have slide to the left or right or wore right off...

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