67 GS400 Portland, OR $9450

Discussion in 'Cars and Parts For Sale Leads' started by 1969GS350, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. 1969GS350

    1969GS350 Well-Known Member

  2. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    been for a sale for awhile, local v8 board member has checked it out, I believe the seller will take around $8k, board member thought that was still several thousand dollars to high.
  3. 1969GS350

    1969GS350 Well-Known Member

    It seems everytime I forward one of these things to the board someone has already done it and everyone and their brother already knows all about it, except me, that is :laugh: . Ah well, a day late and a dollar short as always. But it's good to know that the V8 Buick community is on top of things!
  4. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    :laugh: This was sale last year by the previous owner and these guys loaned some money to that guy and ended up getting the car. They have no use for it and have been trying to sell it for several months. :laugh:

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