70-72 Buick Sport Mirrors

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by jeremy7777, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. jeremy7777

    jeremy7777 Active Member

    Hey guys, I wanted to get paint on my car last year but ran out of time. Now that spring is here I'm determined. So my question is does anyone know what door sport mirrors I need. I know there was someone that sells an angle gasket ? But don't believe that is the case anymore. The mirrors I have now I picked up at Carlise,Pa at the car show but they are not even close.

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  2. Racerx88

    Racerx88 Platinum Level Contributor

    Everything you need to know --> http://www.buickperformanceclub.com/SportMirrors.htm
  3. jeremy7777

    jeremy7777 Active Member

    Thanks much for the link.
  4. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

    A lot of people are selling Camaro, nova, ect mirrors as Skylark (GS) mirrors. They are flipping the gasket to get the angle close to originals. Nelson
  5. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    been there and done that, sort of. had to file the base on the mirror standoff to make the mirror fit but it was not the best. I did eventually purchase a set of buick sport mirrors.
  6. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Olds mirrors are the same. 71-72 but not 70 Olds. The gaskets are different.

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