70 grill and easy off

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by evil16v, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

    How many of you have tried this with success? No melting of the plastic? how long did you soak? did you use a it in a plastic bag for a couple days

    I have heard of this but would like a show of hands to make certain i do not ruin my grill.
  2. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    I wouldn't, that stuff will eat up the chrome. It's just lye in a spray can.
  3. I am assuming you are interested in cleaning your grill before refinishing. I would use something more gentle than oven cleaner, although it is possible there's nothing there that would attack the plastic. I have used trisodium phosphate or trisodium phosphate substitute from Custom Building Products. Home Depot or Lowes sells it in the paint dept for cleaning walls etc. TSP is water soluble and it is a very effective degreaser. Mix with hot water at 'full strength' as the label directs, in a tub, soak the grill, wash off with fresh water. Length of soak is dependent on how dirty the grill is. Hotter water speeds the process, I generally start with what come from the water heater and then add a gallon that been brought to a boil. Gloves are a good idea. You can handle parts which are in the TSP solution without gloves, but expect some drying of your skin, as it will remove natural oils. This approach has also helped me save the wiring harnesses and clean countless electrical assemblies like taillights, turn signals etc on several projects.
  4. 2791 lark custo

    2791 lark custo Gold Level Contributor

    I used it with out any harmful affects on a 72 gs grill. Not sure it worked all that well tho. I let it sit for an hr
  5. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

    No chrome on a bare 70 grill.

    The reason i ask is, i had heard of the procedure, and want to make sure i heard right. adn need to hear from people that have done it.

    The TSP I probably have in the form of arm and hammer super wash... which is lye, as far as I know. might work also. works great on metal parts with a battery charger.
  6. gsgns4me

    gsgns4me Well-Known Member

  7. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

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