70 GS Grill Colors?

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by Matt S, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. Matt S

    Matt S Matt

    Okay, I know I saw a thread in here a while ago and now that I need it I can't find it. What are the actual black and silver colors for the 70 GS Grill? What is the finish a satin. I did some repair work to my grill and Now need to paint it.

    Thanks, Matt.
  2. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    I sold an NOS early style GS grille recently and the black was a satin black. The silver was a dull type silver and the checkered portion was a dark gray. i have had good success with lacquer paints in spray bombs that work well on plastic. Eastwood sells wheel paints that closely match these colors. Their underhood black is a close match for the black. Don't leave bare plastic black it wont look right.

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