A court room observation

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by DeeVeeEight, Feb 10, 2015.

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  1. DeeVeeEight

    DeeVeeEight Well-Known Member

    A few months ago I had reason to be in municipal court. I waited for my case to be heard and watched what was going on around me. I live in an upper middle class neighborhood where the soccer moms all drive over sized black suburbans and text while they are driving. All of the traffic cases were against minorities or people of color who do not live in my part of town. There were NO cases against any white people or drivers who were using their cell phones while driving. The texting and driving issue around here is out of control yet the LEO's are stuck in the 60's with their mindset. Can you say "Profiling" or "Discrimination?"

    The way things are done around here is just plain WRONG and it should not be that way. The courts could rake in big bucks and do the public a service if they would take this cell phone/texting while driving issue by the horns and address it properly instead of looking the other way or beating up on the lower classes.
  2. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    I agree 100%. Texting drivers are WORSE than drunk drivers. At least the drunks try to pay attention.
  3. bw1339

    bw1339 Well-Known Member

    Is it possible they pay the ticket and it never goes to court?
  4. TexasJohn55

    TexasJohn55 Well-Known Member

    Wow! Alot of assumptions which reveals alot of personal bias! Wondering if anyone else in the court came to the same conclusions.

    This thread is going nowhere.
  5. TexasJohn55

    TexasJohn55 Well-Known Member

    So the assumption is that we could fix your perceived problem by not hiring any WHITE law enforcement officers?
  6. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    :) :)
  7. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Oh man, this is trouble.. let's not guys..
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