A dragstrip in your pocket...

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BuickStreet, Jun 1, 2003.

  1. BuickStreet

    BuickStreet Well-Known Member


    This unit is called a G-Tech Competition meter and it can measure...well, I'll just let them tell you...

    It's nothing short of Dragstrip in your pocket. Test and tune whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. It's amazing. Based on current fighter jet and missile tracking technologies it's accuracy is...

    It even has a christmas tree using both an image of a tree on the LCD as well as extremely high intensity LEDs. They light the whole car up as they count down (4 lights) and can be used as shift lights too. Best of all you can download the runs onto your PC and averlay them on top of each other to compare. It will tell you exactly what was happening every foot of the way.

    Simply amazing and I can tell you we had a ball! He says that this is clearly one of the best 'toy's that he has ever purchased and my friend loves his toys.

    For those who are wondering, my Electra pulled a 16.4 @ 83mph followed by a 16.3 at 84 mph with a final run of 15.94 at 85mph with tools and spare water and fuel, a crate of drinks and 450 lbs of passengers. Sounds to me like there's a bit of room for improvement in the 'ol Electra but how do I measure any improvements I make to see if they made a difference? ...oh, that's right...my friend has a G-Tech Competition meter... :Brow: Showing off and rubbing it in, I'm that impressed.

    They're expensive but he bought it on ebay for a bargain price (had been used three times). I suggest you all put one on your wish lists immediately. They sell for around $200-300 on ebay and will be the best toy you ever bought. I'd put money on it.

    And you know what the best part is? You plug it into your cigarette lighter, stick it on your windscreen with a suction cup, spend 30 seconds calibrating the tach and your set to go.

    Attached Files:

  2. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member


    Hey Bill,
    I got mine!:TU:
    I've had it since Nov. Got it calibrated last weekend before the rain.Raining again,still can't wait to try it out,a very nice little tool.
    I've tried the older vericom and that too was a great toy.This new one does a whole lot more and worth every penny.$250.00.:Smarty:
  3. BuickStreet

    BuickStreet Well-Known Member

    Kenny, did you get the Competition version?

    You software is available as of last night in Beta form. It works very well so far.

    Why haven't you used it? Strap it into your every day car and practice reaction times (yes it even records your reaction time people!...and it can display a pro or normal tree. It's wonders never cease!)
  4. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member

    Yes the competition version,they said they would let me know about upgrades.I didn't have a computer in Nov. I quess I should E-mail them.Mine was automatically upgraded when I bought it from the maker. Iv'e been busy workin on the car,plus weather here this past winter and spring was awful.Out of 31 days in May it rained for 21! :Dou:

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