A feel good video...ya gotta see this.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by derek244, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. derek244

    derek244 Gold Level Contributor

  2. stangman

    stangman Well-Known Member

    Dereck that story almost brought tears to me and my wife. That young man had angels on the court with him.But then again he sounde like he was a big b-ball fan he's just that good.. God bless him. Hope he takes them to state.
  3. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    I saw that at Promise Keepers a few years ago.It was awesome then and now.

    A few facts,the coach told his dad if they are down by so many points,he would put the kid in the game.He never told the other players,just the kid and his dad.

    Well,as fate would have it,they were down by a ton of points.The coach called the kid over and told him to get ready.When he told him to get in the game,the other kids got excited,and they all screamed to get him the ball.They did,and the rest is on the video.

    Now one awesome thing is that at the end of the game,not only did his team mates and the fans rush him,but also the other team rushed over and celebrated with them.
  4. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  5. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    It's stories like that that revive my faith in the human spirit. Thanks for posting it!
  6. DiSimone

    DiSimone Well-Known Member

    Thanks Derek, I needed that. Not enough good news in the world today. Let me re-phrase that: there is PLENTY of good news today.........just not reported on.
  7. stangman

    stangman Well-Known Member

    Hey metal I thought this was a new story that just happened or am I wrong.
  8. SXsleeper

    SXsleeper rare sleeper

    feel good video

    My wife told me there's several from Hollywood that have approached him about doing a movie on him. He deserves it! :TU:
  9. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest

    I saw the word basketball, so I don't even want to view the rest.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  10. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    yes that was/is a feel good story......better than all the big money makers that are bad idols for the young ones....

    maybe thats why I lost all my interest in pro sports....the money angle took the interest away for me.....allways been a busness....but keep the busness angle on the sidelines...
  11. Mentalkase

    Mentalkase Desert Coonass

    I saw this at Promise Keepers in the Summer of 04,so it is a fairly recent story,but not one that was publiscized when it actually happened apparently.

    The speaker was Dan Seaborn,and he is from that area,He used it as an illustration,but unfortunately I can't remember about what.Guess I have to pull out the cd's and listen to them again.
  12. Mike Atwood

    Mike Atwood The Green Machine

    They describe people like him as "special". Indeed he is! That sure brings the meaning of "team players" right to the forefront now, doesn't it? Excellent! :TU:
  13. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    That video just gave me a better education about autism. I had previously believed that autistic persons had very limited vocal and motor abilities. The response he received from both teams, and the fans was particularly special.

    Thanks for making this grown man shed a tear of joy for the young man.
  14. GSXMEN

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    That was pretty cool. :TU: :cool:

    And Erik......the basketball part of it plays quite a secondary role.
  15. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

    CHIT... KU can't shoot that hood!
  16. dmfconsult

    dmfconsult Devil in a Blue Dress

    there is a very wide spectrum of abilities for persons with Autism. That kid is very high functioning... most kids with Autism lack the coordination & balance to shoot a basketball, let alone nail the shot. The low functioning persons can be completely non-verbal and can appear to be unaware of anyone else other than themselves. Nonetheless, for families like mine with an autistic child, this story is very inspirational!

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