A few extra electrical switches ~ for non-smokers

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by speedtigger, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. speedtigger

    speedtigger 9 Second Club

    I needed a place for switches to control my cooling fan, lock up torque converter and my new nitrous installation. But, my 65 does not offer many places for such things. So, I traded out the ashtray for a custom made 4 switch panel.

    Like the rest of the mods on my car, I don't like anything that looks out of place. This works great because when the ashtray door is closed, there is no switches in sight.

  2. Deacon07

    Deacon07 1969 Buick Skylark

    That looks really nice, and a great idea to hide those.

    Well done...
  3. 65specialconver

    65specialconver kennedy-bell MIA

    X2 :beer Want to sell me your ashtray insert if it's in good shape?
  4. speedtigger

    speedtigger 9 Second Club

    The switch panel is not a permanent mod. It can be removed and the ashtray (change holder in my case) re-installed if need be. However, i'll keep you in mind if I decide to sell it.
  5. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    Very clean! Nice work. :TU:
  6. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    It might as well be permanent. If anyone even thought of smoking in any car I own I would stuff a rotating, red-hot railroad rivet up their ...
  7. 64 skylark mike

    64 skylark mike Well-Known Member

    That is cool. I like that kind of thinking. Get modern convenience without hacking up a nice car!
  8. speedtigger

    speedtigger 9 Second Club

    I also needed to mount the progressive nitrous controller in the car. However, like the switches, I did not want to see it when not in use. Here is a video of what I cam up with:

  9. Lantz

    Lantz Well-Known Member

    I think I'm the only person left on earth who enjoys the smell of tobacco smoke. Probably because I grew up with it. I wouldn't let anyone smoke in my car, or smoke in my car regularly, cheap cigarette smoke is a bane on the world, but a rare(very rare, I don't normally smoke) cigar can be relaxing to smoke while driving, and it makes the car smell really good. (Again, my definition of "good" is probably most people's definition of "bad".) I think cigar smoke plus that old car smell is one of the most awesome smells. Reminds me of childhood. It's like comfort food for your nose. :laugh: But, I digress, that's a pretty neat idea for the hideaway switches.
  10. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    Very Cool! It's like what James Bond would have!!
  11. gui_tarzan

    gui_tarzan Certifiable

    I am a cigar smoker and I will enjoy cigars in my '64 when it's done. I grew up around pipes and cigars with my great-grandfather, my grandmothers smoked cigarettes. I used to smoke cigarettes until 1986 and I can't stand the smell of those now. Pipes (tobacco only!!!) and cigars are welcome in my cars but nothing else.

    I also think that's a very cool idea for switches!

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