A little Birdy told me somthing about repro parts..

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Jim Weise, Feb 25, 2003.

  1. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482


    In my conversations with particular vendors, one of my contacts has informed me that there are a number of GS parts under development now:

    Now sit down... so you don't fall down when you read the list...:jd:

    They are:

    65-72 A Body Window Felts (all the different styles)
    70 & 71 GS Grills ... ......yes, you read that right..
    70 BB Fan Shroud ... a correct plastic one
    68-70 Washer bottles
    Correct 3 spoke 15" Ralley Steering wheels ....sport wheels for everyone!!
    Rear Bumper "Buick" nameplate for the '70
    And hopefully improved reproduction emblems

    And of course Alan F has the '70 tailight lenses, and is working on the overflow bottle hopefully...

    This is a reliable source, thru a major vendor.. I hope all these things come to pass, but we will have to wait and see. A question was posed to me a while back, ("What do we need") and the list above was my answer..

    I can't take credit personally or thru the BPG for this stuff.. this is a major vendor stepping up to fill the need, and that's great as some of these bigger pieces are big ticket items, and it frees up the clubs repro fund to do some of the smaller, and more obsure stuff.

    I am very happy to see some progress being made!

  2. JOE RIV 1

    JOE RIV 1 Well-Known Member

  3. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I personally haven't needed any of these parts...mostly because all I do is BIG buicks...

    But it's nice to see some forward steps in the repro world for Buicks. Now if we could just get something made for the boats.............:puzzled:
  4. Chris Lott

    Chris Lott 4 speed finally

    Awesome news Jim. I guess the vendor is going to remain nameless until things get a little closer to the molding stage? That's the best news I have heard all week. :beer And maybe being a big vendor, the parts will be a little bit cheaper than once expected (wishful thinking here, I'm not complaining). You know what this means.... people will stop parting '71 GSs just because they don't have grills!:TU:
  5. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Yes, this is insider info, so I am not posting indivdual or company names at this time.

    Let's all just sit back, and see how it works out.

  6. jeff bullock

    jeff bullock Dare to be different !!!

    Does this"vendor" know if they might possibly reproducing any core supports or front end sheet metal for the 70-72 Skylarks?Or is that just wishful thinking? :Do No: Although I could definitely settle for a 71' GS grill right now!:TU:
  7. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Wishfull thinking right now..

  8. 70sportwagon

    70sportwagon Silver Level contributor

    1971 grilles? Come on. You didn't have to make up a story like that just to get me to read it, Jim!

    How am I going to retire if I can't sell all of my 71 GS grilles at exhorbitant prices? (Oh, I'm just kidding. I only have a couple)

    I hope for all the 71's with the open mouth disease that this rumbling pans out and turns into repro grilles! I am sick of epoxy and piecing together 14 broken grilles to make one that looks good from 15 feet away!

    Everybody cross your fingers.
  9. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Yeah.. I was quite surprised... but hey, let's see how it works out.. they should be able to do a good job, it's just a grill, not rocket science..

    Chris, I still have your '70 Saddle Steering wheel, but don't need the black one anymore.. (Thanks again Scott)

    But I am sure you have some parts floating around there I would be interested in..:Brow:

    Shoot me an email.. or give me a buzz

  10. Jim Weise

    Jim Weise EFI/DIS 482

    Can't say that I have seen one either Scott, but there must be an issue..

    Or... it's in the catalog, but not on the shelf. I have seen that before.

  11. GSXMEN

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    I gotta say...I really like the direction that things are going in, for us Buick nuts!!!:TU: :bglasses:

    Boys and girls...time to start saving some spending money!!:Smarty:

    That's some really GREAT news Jim!!:Comp:
  12. GSThunder

    GSThunder Dejavu


    You mean I won't have to hear " That's a Riviera fan shroud, isn't it" when people look under my 70 GSX hood anymore?
    I swear , if I gotta hear it one more time, I might just go postal :af: :blast:
    Maybe I'll buy two just because I can :pp
  13. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Hey Al,

    I'll take your Riviera shroud when you finally get the GSX one.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. Rusty Davenport

    Rusty Davenport Silver Level contributor

    Hey Al

    Hi Al,Just so I can increase my Buick little known facts please tell me how one can tell the difference between the riv and GS fan shrouds.Thanks
  15. Dan K

    Dan K Well-Known Member

    I will have to buy two of everything!!!!! One for the cars I have, and one just in case I ever need another.
  16. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    This defenatly a good thing! I know this maybe a little premature however did any tenative dates get mentioned. Gotta plan to save the money for the parts now.:TU:
  17. GRNDNL

    GRNDNL Wannabe

  18. OLDS442GM

    OLDS442GM Going Fast With Class!

    WHOO--HOO!! :beer Finally some much needed parts!!

  19. Smartin

    Smartin Guest


    I don't think the Riv fan shroud has a place on it to put the strap for the upper radiator hose...Here's a pic from a Centurion, and another from a 72 GS (the GS pic doesnt show it all, but I don't have a complete pic of one.)

    Attached Files:

  20. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    GS350...I don't have a pic of the 455. The 455 has a higher fan placement, therefore making it look similar to the BIG buick shroud...w/o the hole for the bracket.

    Attached Files:

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