A look back in time........

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by bruno17, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. bruno17

    bruno17 Well-Known Member

    Here's an interesting history lesson.

    Attached Files:

  2. scatpacktom

    scatpacktom Well-Known Member

    Wow, look at the speed.Looks real close to that cheatin' SOB with the aqua car.I guess Royal wasn't looking to get ice cream in that car back then:Dou:

    Cool article Bruno! Thanks for posting!
  3. rdl

    rdl ...stocker 'n stocker

    There's Bruno, pedalling more Pontiac propaganda...

    Quick... we need an Olds highjack to balance things out... maybe the one where the small displacement Olds hoodwinked the small displacement Pontiac during an engineers' exercise at GM... Rusty?
  4. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!

    This is what I can do for you in the present... Hurst Hairy Olds!!![​IMG]
  5. BlackGold

    BlackGold Well-Known Member

    "Famous Pontiac stamina?" :puzzled: No wonder the women dig Pontiac guys.

    I guess they were referring to the fact the engine made it to the end of the testing period before losing oil pressure. Of course, losing oil pressure pretty much defines the end of the testing period.

    Now for the Olds hijack:
    Reading the description of the engine, it's interesting how similar it is to the W-31. The cam is almost identical (a little longer exhaust duration), stiffer springs, bigger balancer. Too bad the W-31 didn't get a nice set of exhuast manifiolds like the Pontiac. Then again, who would be dumb enough to run manifolds on an engine like that .... oh, wait .... :bla:
    You've got to love the advantage in valve size the Poncho has over the Olds. I assume the heads are a lot better, too.

    Can you tell I'm jealous?
  6. Keith Seymore

    Keith Seymore Well-Known Member


  7. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    Olds has a disastrous big block intake manifold design, that even restricts performance more than the exhaust manifolds. Will start another thread rather than highjacking another's post. See other post here that I'm sending....now. (That's for the clowns that like to point out any and all things that they perceive as "INACCURATE".

    Big improvement in intake manifold design, too. Olds has that pancake shape that's torturous. I was told by THE expert on making GM cars run fast, that it isn't the exhaust manifolds that's holding back an Olds big block in F.A.S.T., using the chambered W and Z manifolds on all 69-72 442's, it's the intake. Small block (including W31)being competitive in either F.A.S.T. or Pure Stock/Factory Stock is a joke. There it IS the exhaust manifolds holding it back.......and why they didn't even bother trying to maximize the W31 performance with manifolds. Who in their right miinds would ever do anything to a W31 before getting a good set of headers on it? Shim up the rockers, better ignition, and a set of tires and you're easily in the 12's if you launch it at 6000 or above.

    BTW, that little episode between the Olds and Pontiac engineers happened at GMPG at the monthly Chief Engineers' get together. :beers2: :beers2:
  8. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    Couldn't resist....THIS is an Olds highjack:


    Be the first in your hood to have one of these. Yes it is a conversion to RHD. Why, who knows? or cares......




    :bglasses: :bglasses:
  9. Donny Brass

    Donny Brass 12 Second Club Member

    EASY QUESTION: so your Hoes do not have to stand in the street to get slapped :Brow: :Brow:
  10. jglasgo

    jglasgo Well-Known Member

    Yo,One of the C-Town homeys!!:TU:
  11. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    That's good! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    The Ramrod engineering "exercise" came out of the 1966 W30 program at Olds....amazing how similar those two programs were.....especially from where I was in the trenches. :beer
  13. Chevy454

    Chevy454 Well-Known Member

    Well, lookie there, it's a "C/Stock" car...:TU:

    Those old SS&DI magazines are like CRACK to me...I've read some of our issues so many times I've worn the covers of!
  14. scatpacktom

    scatpacktom Well-Known Member

    At least it fits in Stock:Brow:

    Hey Rob did you ever take the results of the PSMCDR and see where they fit in the stock classification? I looked at the first ten cars from 07 and they are all AA to B cars.Would be neat to see what they were back in the day.I know you have that info:TU:
  15. scatpacktom

    scatpacktom Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, the other thing I noticed when I was comparing numbers was for the most part guys have the cars weights preeeeeeeetty close:TU:
  16. Chevy454

    Chevy454 Well-Known Member

    LOL...that doesn't mean much any more, since the NHRA changed it a couple years ago, as just about *everything* has a stock factor now! Except for the dual quad race Hemis, that is...:laugh:

    Would be hard to see where the top *X* amount of cars fall into Stock (you'd have to pick a specific year) as NHRA shifted the breaks around (and even changed factors, much later) nearly every year until '73 ...that was when the NHRA realized cars were on the performance "down slope" and they no longer needed to keep the *A* spots open for something faster within the next model year. Looking back, that was a pretty safe move considering some of the slugs that came about in the late '70s & '80s...! :Dou:

    And I'm not gonna touch your comment on weight...!
  17. scatpacktom

    scatpacktom Well-Known Member

    Yeah you're right.I some times for get about them leaving the top spot open for the big dog that never came.

    While I don't have my notes in front of me I remember the weights were in the "ballpark".I don't recall any serious offenders.It wasn't like the Vettes were like 2800 compared to 3300 or anything like that.They were pretty close
  18. scatpacktom

    scatpacktom Well-Known Member

    Of course not that it would matter because pure stock doesn't work like that but it was fun for me to compare anyway.

    I often think about how these cars would run with 9x30s and headers.

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