America Needs To Wake Up!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by RACEBUICKS, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. MPRY1

    MPRY1 Gear Banger

    Thats the difference between the left and the right.

    For the left, the glass is half empty.
    For the right the glass is half full.

    All things considered, I feel the country is much safer now then it was just after 9-11. But then, I'm an optimist. I keep hearing about how the people in the Middle East hate us now more then ever. do you think they hate us more then on 9-11? How about in 2000 when the USS Cole was bombed, or the embassy bombings, Kobar towers, 1st world trade center bombing, TWA bombing, Achille Lauro hijacking, Beruit Marine barricks bombing, the Iran hostages to name a few.

    To see that these terrorist scum have resorted to either setting off road side bombs or kidnapping individual people and cutting off their heads shows me that the money and training has obviously dried up quite a bit considering they now can only do BS like this. Quite a bit smaller scale then training pilots, hijacking 4 planes and flying them into buildings.

    When are people on the left going to realize that every problem in the world is not all the fault of the US? How come the people that commite these horrific acts like 9-11 and the beheadings of innocent people never seem to have any accountability? This thought process is akin to blaming a murder on the murder victom. :Dou: :af:
  2. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    "So wake up sleepy one...
    It's time to save your world... "
  3. All GS

    All GS 71 GS455 Owned 30 years

    9/11 attacks

    Just like to point out that there was a large number, could be over 1000 of those victims from 40 or 50 other countries in both the world trade centers and on high jacked airplanes. This was not only an attack on the USA but against the entire western world. I am about as far as I can be from New York and still be on this continent and we had a local resident loose their life there.

    Terrorism is not new, its been happening a long time but has only recently become a reality for North Americans. Marcel.

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