Answer from BPG about a RM class

Discussion in 'V-8 Buick Powered Regals' started by Stg1Regal, May 27, 2009.

  1. Stg1Regal

    Stg1Regal Yep Traction Issues!:)

    Awhile back a posted a question about if anyone here was interested in maybe a participating in a similar style class to the GS NATS REGAL MODIFIED class at this years BPG.

    I got a response.... heres the link

    So any thoughts ... maybe?:TU:

    I know my car is not the fastest.. but it would be fun to participate.

  2. bigdawg70

    bigdawg70 1984 Buick Regal

    It would be nice if they had a R.M but turnout of BB regals is very slim usually at BPG. If the class is not preplanned i prob will not even bring mine to bpg again thiss to year. Its a long ride for us to drag three cars like we usually do.

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