Anybody on Louisville KY area?

Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by Mike Wowk, Mar 25, 2004.

  1. Mike Wowk

    Mike Wowk Who freakin' cares?

    Anybody man or woman in the KY Louisville area that can run a cash register and work Fri and Sat? I am doing a trade show and had a helper back out at the last minute. Call me at 1-800-245-0646 ask for Mike
  2. Casey Marks

    Casey Marks Res Ipsa Loquitur

    If I was in the area, I'd help out. I just don't know if I meet the requirements ........ :Do No:
  3. Mike Wowk

    Mike Wowk Who freakin' cares?

    Rumour has it you could fill either position:Brow:

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