Anyone know if 60&61 transverse two pipes in two pipes out are the same muffler?

Discussion in 'Classic Buicks' started by 67NorCalGS, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. 67NorCalGS

    67NorCalGS Well-Known Member

    This would be for full size, to me they look like the same muffler???
  2. Nailhead

    Nailhead Gold Level Contributor

    The original factory mufflers were different from 60 to 61. Both are transverse type with 2 in/2 out, but inlets are very different: the 60 inlets go straight into the muffler, the 61 inlets have a 90 degree bend.
  3. 67NorCalGS

    67NorCalGS Well-Known Member

    That might be some good info then! Do you know if they enter and exit in the same location and if the muffler is the same size physically???

    Oh yea! How the hell do you know the difference between two 45 year old mufflers :confused:
  4. Nailhead

    Nailhead Gold Level Contributor

    I don't have any references that give dimensions. The way I can tell they are different is looking at the illustrations in an old Buick parts book--the line drawings are detailed enough to pick out the differences but don't give any dimensions. You might try your local Midas shop and see if they have the data you need.

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