Anyone know what trans I have?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by scrisp, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. scrisp

    scrisp WiP - Work in Progress

    Sorry, it's not a buick question, but I thought someone might know what we have.

    We have a 1998 Chevy S-10 PU with a 2.2L motor. We're trying to get a used transmission to get this thing back on the road, but I have no idea what kind of trans it is or what i should be looking for. I have looked on the net and some say it's a 4L60E, but that seems a bit strange, since that is also the same transmission as the new GTOs use (from what I've read). It just wouldn't seem like they would use one of those in a little 4 cylinder S-10, but I could be wrong. :laugh:

    The thing has sat for 3 or 4 years and now leaks trans fluid (which I would expect for sitting that long) and slips in and out of overdrive. It only has 60,000 miles on it and it's a shame that my fiance's ex husband left her (once) nice little truck in this shape, after letting all of his friends beat on it. :ball:

    Anyway, any help with this thing would be appreciated.
  2. grisby

    grisby Well-Known Member

  3. Basically anything General Motors made after 1993 that was rear wheel drive and was not heavy duty had a 4L60E. Caprices, S-10s, Yukons, Suburbans, Roadmasters, Cargo Vans, Camaros, etc.

    I do think there are some case differences between applications, but you have a 4L60E.

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