Bulletin Board Software

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Annie Oakley, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. Annie Oakley

    Annie Oakley Well-Known Member

    I am looking at putting together a bulletin board/forum (non-car related). I know diddley-squat about this kind of stuff, would like a bit of direction.

    Would like it to be inexpensive, but not necessarily free. Something that I can have different sections, allow some attachments to posts, etc. I thought about a Yahoo group - I have one now - but it's not really what I am looking for. I regularly visit a few boards and they are EZBoard, phpBB, or InfoPop.

    I'm looking at the homepages for those 3 sites, some of it makes sense - then the tech stuff starts and all I hear is the teacher from Peanuts!! Squiggle??? (SQL) ????????? "your choice of MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers" GAH, what?????

    Anyone use any of these? Which ones are user friendly (easy to manage for Dummies, easy to set up, etc) Additional info - I guess what I am looking for is something that is web-based, I don't have a server/place to store stuff myself - if that makes sense?

    THANKS!! :TU:
    (when I have a computer/tech question, this is always the first place I think to ask it - you guys/gals are great!!)
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2005
  2. 72Skylark455

    72Skylark455 Well-Known Member

    Typically you will need a webhost that supports MySQL for any of these major database driven message boards. I recommend MySQL+PHP+ phpBB myself as it is free. You can get many hosts with MySQL and PHP so that really shouldn't be an issue.

    A database is essentially a column+row setup. each column is a field (an entry point), and each row is a seperate item.

    FName LName DateJoined Username Password
    Joe Schmo 04-13-05 JSchmo *****

    similar to that.. and each user would have a seperate row. it's just the way data is STORED in the messageboard.

    I prefer PostgreSQL but typically has less support since MySQL is the "defacto" standard on any LAMP setup regardless of whether PostgreSQL is better (and it is).

    btw, LAMP is Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP (or Perl in some cases)

    L is for Linux is an operating system, much more stable than windows and FREE
    A is for Apache is the webserver (sends webpages to people through their browser) and is the biggest server on the net, without it, you wouldn't have half of what you have now.
    M is for MySQL, that database iw as just talkinga bout
    P is for PHP, it's a programming language that allows you to create Dynamic (changing) webpages, like a message board for example
  3. Annie Oakley

    Annie Oakley Well-Known Member



    Apparently I did not fully explain the depth of my ignorance.......I was with you through "Typically you will need a webhost...." :puzzled:

    I was doing a little more research after posting my original question, and I think I understand it enough to make it more clear:

    I don't have a website or webhost or webspace. I am looking for an online community or bulletin board service such as EZBoard, that is simple, reliable, has a decent amount of space and features at a low(er) cost. EZBoard may be the one I go with, but I wanted to check around for recommendations first before jumping in.

    Thanks for your explanation, I think I was looking at too big a picture to begin with! :Dou:
  4. skyphix

    skyphix Well-Known Member

    Contact http://www.SChostpro.com or http://www.ixwebhosting.com

    Aquire a Linux Web Servce (all are clearly labeled)
    EDIT: Register a domain, forgot that part.

    Double check that it supports PHP and MySQL (most do)

    Use an FTP Client to upload the BB software you downloaded ( http://www.phpbb.com/ for the BB software, http://www.download.com and search FTP Client for the FTP CLient)

    Follow the setup instructions included in the documentation that comes with the file you downloaded for the BB Software

    Start running your own BB Site.

    If I had more time I'd volunteer to help but working two jobs plus holding 3 programming contracts is a bit taxing :(

    Another Edit: Ive never used anything like EZBoard, but there are a few services like this out there



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