Can someone please make slideshow avatar...

Discussion in 'Tips On Using The Board' started by 83Stage1, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. 83Stage1

    83Stage1 Well-Known Member

    ...with these pics for me? :Comp:

    Thanks! :beer:

    Attached Files:

  2. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Greg, I can make one, but I'm a novice at it. Made mine a couple days ago, but didn't get the image quality good enough. Need to tweak it some. If someone else can get it done, feel free to lend a hand.
  3. 71GS455

    71GS455 Best Package Wins!

    Go into the tips section and look for the post I made about resizing photos for avatars. I think it was Erik who volunteered to do slideshow avatars.
  4. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Cool, another thread about animated GIF images. There are people here who'll do it for you, but why not do it yourself? It's fun, like fixing your own car.

    As far as the images are concerned, you are using jpegs, which are "lossy." A GIF does not throw out any data (resulting in a larger file size). So, if you are able to get the images as GIF format to start, things will look better in general.

    Of course, some digital cameras create pictures as jpegs, so there is not much you can do. Don't worry, you can still get a great looking picture even when starting with jpegs.

    However, that first picture (67_RF_small) looks a little rough. Maybe starting with full-size pictures will be better.

    Here is a previous thread dealing with the subject, maybe it will be helpful.
  5. 83Stage1

    83Stage1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone

    I'll take some new pics at higher resolutions to work with as a starting point. My camera does force the .jpg format, but once loaded into my pc I can resave it as a .gif.

    Truzi, I read your previous post. Sounds easy enough, but I don't see me using it again until I get my pickup finished. Just not enough call for it to want to load up more software. (yeah, I'm feeling lazy) :rolleyes:
  6. Bad Boattail

    Bad Boattail Guest


    Mail me the original size photos and I'll be happy to create a moving avatar for you.

    Mail to:

    I can also provide you (and other board members) with a nice little program to create your own moving images :TU:

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