Can we fire kids parents?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by tlivingd, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. tlivingd



    ya know I'm waiting to get an eye exam and this woman comes in with 3 kids all quite a bit younger the daughter needs to go to the bathroom. she starts walking toward the bathroom. the mom goes balistic and starts screaming in the place about "you ask before you do something"
    (ok a ledgit argument)
    the youngest (boy) also says he has to go and she goes balistic again and swearing at her kids. sigh... the manager and some other woman who works at the store had asked her to stop yelling at her children. then the woman does it again not 2 minutes later. and the woman working there says it a 2nd time I then went in for the exam so im not sure anything else happened.

    the mother is treating the people at the store well then goes into this yelling frenzy at her kids... uggg.

    the kids seem to be well behaved but the're kids so the lil things that they do are what they do. and shes going nuts about it.

    sigh... its hard to put into words but it wasn't healthy for those 3 kids.

    Wish there was something that can be done. yea im only 23 but i know that that IS NOT good parenting.

    sorry just venting...
  2. dr

    dr Well-Known Member


    You needed to go to a parent teacher conference and sit on the teacher's side of the desk. Discipline is for everyone else's kid not theirs. I love my job but the parents can be a pain! One good thing it gives you something to talk about, ask Phil (firemen and cops have the best stories).
  3. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    How old were the kids?
  4. tlivingd


    ages were between 4 and 7(7 is pushing it)


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