Can You Top This?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by grannys70skylrk, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. grannys70skylrk

    grannys70skylrk MORE IDEAS THAN MONEY

    OK, I make a deal to sell my house in NY and buy one in FL. Everything is going along smoothly. My personal belongings (furniture/clothes/everything) are loaded onto the moving van September 14 in anticipation of closing on the deal on the 15th. Morning of the 15th, Grannys Skylark is loaded onto the hauler for a sunny retirement life in Florida.

    Then, the call. Seems the buyer of my house "forgot" to mention they had to sell their house before they can buy mine and there's a problem with their sale. Long story short, here I sit in NY, sleeping on an air mattress while my stuff is in FL. Evidently I chose the wrong lawyer, since the other parties guy seems to be calling the shots.

    Latest word, closing around the 28th or 29th in NY, then hop in the car and make the closing in Florida on the 30th or October 1st.
    Does life suck enough? :blast:
  2. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    Yep.. That does suck. Usually its the seller that's in control.... At least they're still buying the house.

    Where you moving in FL??? Buy a "Scratch & Dent" (charlie, frances, ivan)
  3. grannys70skylrk

    grannys70skylrk MORE IDEAS THAN MONEY

    Thanks, I needed a laugh! Moving to Port Orange, near Daytona where my car is sitting in storage until I get there. Cape Coral is way south, isn't it?
  4. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    I'm not sure how it works in the US but I'd go over the mortgage agreement. If it hasn't been written in that the offer is on the condition of they're home selling, then at the very least you can ding them with a "fine" of sorts, it is a legally binding contract after all.
  5. grannys70skylrk

    grannys70skylrk MORE IDEAS THAN MONEY

    Yep, Trevor, I could sue for damages, etc. after the closing actually happens. Otherwise the deal is delayed until the litigation is resolved. Kind of have me by the cajones right now. :af:
    I just want it to be over and done with at this point.
  6. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    That's a horrible situation Gary, who knows they could be listing their house WAYYYY above market value too. Ahh the joys of buying/selling a house.

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