??? Chrome De-Plating ???

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by Haveyouseenme, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. Haveyouseenme

    Haveyouseenme Well-Known Member

    Hey guys i have a pretty shadey tail light assy. for a 64 lark. I want to experiment w/ it. How can i de-plate the chrome i tried sandblasting w/ fine sand. It works but where its pited it eats threw it. wirewheeling it smooths the peeling parts but doesnt remove. I was told MURUTIC ACID would work is this true? ANY INPUT is great. Oh also i belive the metal is pot metal the part i tried to strip i dont know what the rest of the taillights are compossed of.
  2. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    HCl acid will only work on interior plastic armrest bases that are vacuum plated chrome.

    If you use it for pot metal, you will total dissolve it.

    HCl/Muriatic acid is nasty and causes more harm than good.

    Take it to a plating shop and ask them to dip it for you.
  3. doc

    doc Well-Known Member


    dechroming is done the reverse of the way it was chromed in the first place.
    The item is placed in the solution and the wires reversed and the chrome leaves the object for the opposite electrode.
    In short you cant do it right yourself. sorry.
  4. rider

    rider Active Member


    Try Red Greens rust removal process. It's a electrical discharge process that is on the site somewhere.
    Good Luck,

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