cleaning the inside of my 401 nailhead

Discussion in 'Wrenchin' Secrets' started by Herby, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. Herby

    Herby Electra '60

    Hello !
    Can anyone recomend , how I can get the brown , greasy stuff out of my engine ( I drained the coolant and found lots of that brown stuff in my water canals). What can I use , that will not destroy my gaskets ???
    Thank you for your help. Herby Germany
  2. gsxbuildernut

    gsxbuildernut Well-Known Member

    Brown greasy stuff in the cooling system might prove to be from a blown head gasket, which could of happened in the past and was fixed, I would try a premium radiator flush and see if it helps. If it doesn't then you might need to take the motor apart and have it hot tanked, if the stuff comes loose from the engine it might clog the radiator. Good luck, hope it works out.

  3. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    First, run a good compression test, this will tell you if you have a blown head gasket. If that is good then proceed further.
    Now a question. Has the engine oil been disappearing????? Some times people will put stuff like ''Bars Leaks '' in the cooling system that has oil in it. Has this been done in the past. If so all of it needs to be removed. Another question is why would some one put stuff like that in there to start with. The cooling system was not designed to have that kind of stuff in it. It also plugs up the radiatior and heater core.
    The only block sealer to use is the powdered copper or powdered glass type.
    Nuff said about that.
    If everything is all right, take out the thermostat and undo the lower rad hose to drain and flush the system.
    catch and dispose of the old junk coming out of the system.
    Then stick a water hose and run water down thru the engine and rad. and backward thru the heater core.
    You can buy ''flushes '' that work pretty good , but none are are as good as ''rodding'' the rad. or replacing it.
    Then close the system back up , with a new thermostat, and gasket, and fill with at least 50/50 mix of coolant and Distilled water.

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