Comp cams, fast ramp?

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by 87GN_70GS, Jun 3, 2003.

  1. 87GN_70GS

    87GN_70GS Well-Known Member

    Looking through my Comp Cams book at their lobe specs, I noticed that for some Magnum grinds, the difference between the advertised duration and 0.050" duration ("intensity" as phrased by the Crane folks) is as little as 48*. I've seen cams with intensity numbers like this characterized as "fast ramp". However, the XE series of lobes are like 44*, on which some true fast ramp cams are based. These Magnum grinds have been around for a long time, I find it hard to believe that they are a fast ramp design. Is this grind considered a "fast ramp"? Or maybe just the advertised opening and closing points (0.006" tappet lift) are picked a little differently than others?

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