Corrosion of water pump

Discussion in ''Da Nailhead' started by suntreemcanic, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. suntreemcanic

    suntreemcanic Well-Known Member

    Fixing oil leaks after my wreck I removed my water pump. I had bought the pump from a well know responsible supplier. It was new. I installed the pump about two months before the accident. A 50/50 antifreeze mix was used. The accident destroyed the radiator so the coolant all drained out. When I removed the water pump there was a lot of corrosion in the water pump, enough to slow down flow. The coolant system had set empty for four months. Has anyone else observed this? The timing chain cover had no corrosion on it.
  2. gs66

    gs66 Silver Level contributor

    Not that but I had one bolt rust through in half on one of mine.
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Exactly how much corrosion are we talking about? I would expect the metal to turn brown with rust
  4. suntreemcanic

    suntreemcanic Well-Known Member

    The ports that the coolant flow from the block to the water pump impeller had corrosion about a ΒΌ inch. I can not see any other corrosion except the water pump.
  5. SwitchMan

    SwitchMan 2-Steps Forward, X-Steps Backwards

    Hmmm . . . So, rust into the impeller as well? 5-Vane?
    Sorry to hear of your wreck. Will be resurrected?

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