Dash rehab

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by sparki, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. sparki

    sparki Well-Known Member

    is there anyone out there that does restorations on the dash components such as the instrument cluster and area around the steering column?
    My '68 GS400 is showing its age, and it would be great to spruce of the dash area. Not necessarily looking to buy new parts, just revitalize the old ones.

  2. bbb72

    bbb72 Well-Known Member

    Use Rust-oleum 7515 Aluminum for the silver and Krylon Fusion satin black.
  3. sparki

    sparki Well-Known Member

    perfect. I'll give it try.
  4. tsollazo

    tsollazo Well-Known Member

    You can try Chrometech USA. Bob does great work and priced reasonably. If I remember right he turned mine around in a month or so. He did my '71 dash with him as well as a few other interior pieces. New chrome and detail painting to spec. I was very satisfied. Here's a pic.

    New Dash Unassembled.jpg
  5. Timonator

    Timonator Silver Level contributor

    I'll second the recommendation for chrometech. But it seemed that mine took a few months. I think he does them in batches.
  6. sparki

    sparki Well-Known Member

    Wow, looks great, just like new!
    Was the price reasonable?
  7. tsollazo

    tsollazo Well-Known Member

    Yes, price was reasonable. Off-hand I can't remember exactly what I paid for the dash because I had him do a few other plastic pieces too. His website http://www.chrometechusa.com/automotive-interior-plastics.html gives some cost estimates. Looks like there's some dependency on the condition of your core.

    Give him a call. He's very responsive.

    All in all, well worth the price IMHO, you get it back like new and far better than I could ever do myself.

  8. Mjackson

    Mjackson Well-Known Member

    Nice tip, was thinking about working on my dash.

    Thanks for the info!
  9. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

  10. sparki

    sparki Well-Known Member


    I talked to Bob from Chrometech. He called me within an hour of sending him an email.
    To do the dash bezel, the steering column bezel, and the heater vents would be $1,000.00. The dash bezel itself was $450.00.
    Looks like I will have to wait on having it redone. A little too rich for my blood right now. Already spent a fortune on just the mechanics of the car, and still need to do the interior, paint and body work.
    Thanks for the tip.

  11. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    Anyone tried the repro dash bezel from the Parts Place? $349
    If I get no feedback I'm gonna give it a shot, and will post the findings
  12. Sluggo

    Sluggo Founders Club Member

    Someone did a year or so ago. I can't find the thread now of course. Seem to recall that a couple of the screw holes were different size than originals, but fit was good. I don't remember them updating their post with pictures after they actually installed it.
  13. laz

    laz Silver Level contributor

    Take a look at this past thread below:

    Theres a thread here about it -
    Chris (V8Sky) has one, but not installed yet. We're all waiting on him to give the Go or No Go
    It is a new piece, I asked in their ebay auction, and its not re-chromed.

    I have TPP new radio bezel and its nice, fit well no issues. Very happy with it. Lets hope the dash cluster is as good.

    As for getting re-chromed... there's a recommendation in that thread for http://www.chrometechusa.com/

    for cost...I had one done a few years ago by CV Vacuum Platers, but they are no longer in business. Cost was about $600 for the dash, column cover, convertible top switch cover and radio bezel, including shipping.
    It was super nice, and they did a great job.

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