don't click...too hard to watch

Discussion in 'The "Pure" Stockers' started by Donny Brass, Aug 10, 2012.


    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    I hope he was covered with the correct amount of insurance. Everyone should evaluate what you have on your car. This could be anyone!
  2. Tom Miller

    Tom Miller Old car enthusiast

    Wouldn't be me, I can't afford an enclosed trailer......or a 69 Camaro:rolleyes:

    If it was me in the video, you would have seen a guy getting in the Firemans way saying "Let it burn!!" That's what Ins is for.
    That's an easy way to get rid of a car, you don't have to deal with Craigslist vultures:Smarty:

    And before anyone starts, I'm just kidding, that would suck.

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