Double Dog Dare Me

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by scubasteve455, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Don't know why? But I'm restoring my 72 overflow radiator reservoir . The white part (bottom witch is yellower and darker) I will clean with a water based wax and grease cleaner and a white 3m scuff pad. Because the red/ gray will put deep slices in plastic. I will then go to my SIKKENS color library book witch has a wide varity of all colors. But category's of a lot to choose from. I will pick the right BONE white in the chart . Then mix it single stage w/ flatting base. And then mix Clearcoat w/ flatting base. I think I will Mix it 30% flat paint to70% flat clear to get that transparity (see through) look. and of course I will plastic prime before painting plastic. I will do the same w/ the BLACK top. I will try to get you guys pics. when done
  2. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    I'm either gonna Hit a home run. Or crash & burn.
  3. 70staged

    70staged Well-Known Member

    Ok then I will triple dog dare you
  4. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Wont it lose its opaque look?

    I was always interested in trying the Oxyclean/ hydrogen peroxide and leave it in the sun all day method. I dipped my Hurst shifter balls in that concoction. Going in they looked like came out of a bag of Cheetos. All orangy yellow. They looked brand new after a day soaking. Im not sure the plastic that the overflow is made from will have the same reaction though.

    Ok, jokes in 3....2.....1....
  5. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    OK, you asked for it. I ain't putting my knob in that kind of solution.
  6. breakinbuick11

    breakinbuick11 Platinum Level Contributor

    It didn't work well but I didn't get it outside in the best conditions plus I only was able to submerge half of it. It probably only got 5-6 hours of direct sun
  7. BrianinStLouis

    BrianinStLouis Silver Level contributor

    You weren't eating Cheetos while watching an adult movie were you?
  8. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    After I posted this thread. My buddy being a PONTIAC guy. Said for me to soak it in CLOROX bleach and water. for 12 hrs. then paint it after it is sanded. But now he convinced me to spray it with DUPONT vinyl paint! Since I wanted the paint to be transparent. He told me to over reduce the standard mix ( bone white ) with the resin already in the mix. To mix it 1:1 ( 100 % ) Stay tuned. I will show pic.
  9. copperheadgs1

    copperheadgs1 copperheadgs1

    Steve, your mailbox is full
  10. GSX 554

    GSX 554 Gold Level Contributor

    I forget where I saw it but someone just cleaned their overflow tank by using Hydogen Peroxide. Not the stuff you buy at a drug store but the stuff from a beauty supply store. Its like 35-40%. Like a paste. smeared it on and wrapped in plastic and put in the sunlight. It came out looking brand new. I wish my CRS ( Can't Remember S#@* ) wasn't kicking in but I remember seeing it somewhere.
  11. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dave.
  12. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Lou! Maybe I'll do that first! before I paint it and screw it up
  13. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    Peroxide should do the job, but at 35%+ concentration, don't even get it on your skin. I can't believe that women use it on their hair.
  14. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    What 35% + concentrate ... Explain?
  15. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    oh like a paste. (how the sell at beauty salon ) I got it
  16. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Well. I painted Rad Overflo container! I have to say it does not look bad. actually it looks good guys. I think this car of mine is a high end Restoration! But that's ok everyone thinks that about there car! I sprayed it first with a plastic primer very light gray tone . (Spies hecker prod.) Important keep primer light. White is a bleeder!!! Used DuPont vinyl paint ( 3967) Then cleared it w/ Spies Hecker semi- gloss plastic - flex- bumper clear. To protect it . The paint was to porous . Abut the clear made it look like a plastic product. The Rad lid. I painted W/ DuPont vinyl paint also but picked a black with a lot of BLUE toner in the mix. so the black has a bluer sheen ( like plastic does) Then clear it w/ the same Sem- gloss clear. that really turned out nice! because the lid had no scratches from 30+ yrs of use.
  17. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    Sorry ! Did not use the peroxide ! But that was a great idea! for guys not painting theirs.

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