drip rail repair question.

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by SMOKIN_455_SEDA, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. SMOKIN_455_SEDA

    SMOKIN_455_SEDA Well-Known Member

    Okay you all have seen this before but i didnt have good pics. Now that i do have good pics and you can view the cancer really good. What now? :ball: When i pulled the culking out and found this, i felt like some1 kicked me in the stomach. Personally, i feel like cutting out the lose rust and laying sheet metal in there and then JB welding it lol. That stuff will fix anything. And a nice culking job around the roof afterwards. Replacing the driprails is out of the question and wallet. I have a welder and i can tac weld in some sheet metal at the bottoms and then go over it with JB weld. God that sounds aweful but the truth is, its the only way i can afford! Think it will hold up for a good while? Year one also sells bondo that you wet with your fingers and smooth out and its so hard that you can drill and tap it. Sounds like it would do good on this job. What are your thoughts?

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