Eagle's concert wednesday night on NBC

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by henry white, May 31, 2005.

  1. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    just a quick reminder, i guess there is supposed to be an Eagle's concert wednesday night on NBC. they been pushing it around here anyway, i guess its nationwide. i think they are doing a farewell tour, so you might want to tape it. it should be good, and here i thought NBC meant
    " nothing but commercials ". :beer
  2. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    8:00 PM , 7:00 central time. its a go. surely i'm not the only eagle's fan on here ? i know better.
  3. 65 Riv 425

    65 Riv 425 Well-Known Member

    thanks, I didnt know it was on TV. I will be watching..

  4. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    Im also an eagles fan. Henry, did you get their, "Eagles the very best of" cd yet? Its been out for a year or so. :Do No:
  5. David G

    David G de-modded....

    I was an Eagles fan back in their heyday. Still don't mind listening now and then, but I can take 'em or leave 'em now. I'm surprised it isn't PPV for $50... :rolleyes:
  6. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member

    luv the eagles. have several albums on 8 track, lp vinyl, & cd.
  7. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    The Eagles = Super Group, lots of musical talent and well written tunes.

    Same music, they just look older...kind of like looking in the mirror.

    I'll be watching.
  8. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    it will be on in just a few minutes. no CD or CD player for me, i refuse to enter the 21st century. surprised it isnt PPV. weez all lookin older i reckon. want to hear desperado, and the hotel Kaliforny.

    looking forward to this.
  9. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    I turn it on and see The Bomber voice boxing to Rocky Mountain Way :Brow:

    Eagles................ya I like em OK :Do No:

    Joe Walsh...........King Of Rock :TU: :TU: :TU: :TU:

  10. henry white

    henry white Well-Known Member

    they rocked !!!!!!!!!!!

    best thing i've heard out of my tv in a long time. yeah joe walsh sounded good as well. i was surfin back & forth between that and " that 70's show " it was almost like a trip back in time. all i needed was my GS and maybe some other stuff. :Brow:

    very cool !!!

    they will have some other bands on thursday night, The Knack, & others, much better than the night time soaps. :beer :)

    my highest rating ever, four thumbs up !
  11. BeyGon

    BeyGon Well-Known Member

    New Buick Commercials

    Eagles are still the best, Hotel California is the very best
  12. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    That was a good special. What did all of you think of Eagles Farewell Tour Part 1? Does that mean they are leaving the door open for a Farewell Tour # 2 later on? Thought they sounded good with those sweet harmonies as good as ever.

    Yeah- highlight of this was definitely Joe and the talk box solo on RMW. Been a fan of his for a long, long time going back to the James Gang years. Know I'm dating myself there but good music is good music!

    Henry- I think that other NBC music special is next Thursday and not tonight. That one should be a blast with the Knack, Tommy Tutone, Lover Boy, Wang Chung, etc. Said they'll let folks vote after their performances to see if they still have it! Should be interesting.
  13. 87GN_70GS

    87GN_70GS Well-Known Member

    Just a couple of thoughts on the concert:

    1. Where was Don Felder? Being a guitarist myself, I can appreciate his work, his fills and solos are some of the best around. He is easily the best guitarist of all the Eagles. Something was definitely missing/lacking.

    2. Not all of the music was live. Having done both live performances and some amateur recording, I have a critical ear for what both should sound like. I noticed some guitar work that was obviously not coming from anyone live on stage. Some of the piano work also sounded canned. I was kinda let down by that.

    3. Overall a good show.

    If you want a really good concert video, check out the "Hell Freezes Over" DVD from a few years back.
  14. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    Yeah I noticed there was some pre-recorded stuff thrown in here and there.
    I guess that should be expected nowadays.

    Still enjoyed the show...especially the comments added by the band members.

    Hotel California is a classic tune...
  15. that brought back alot of memores did it not
    driving down the road
    arm out the window :bglasses:
    girl friend by your side
    then the wife slaped me and said to get over it :grin:
    it was the wify along side me back then as well
    the old man here could not dance so she had to grab my poor 9 year old and get him going that late at night
    wasn't late back then
    it was early as i remember
    well here it is
    30 plus years later :(
    we have the eagels
    and of course star wars all over again :blast:
  16. ABben32

    ABben32 Well-Known Member

    I never really got into the Eagles a lot. I do have Hell Freezes Over on dvd and cassette great album. I like Queen much better
  17. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    That was GREAT! Thanks Henry for the heads up!

    - Bill
  18. Specman

    Specman Well-Known Member

    Felder was fired in 01. He brought suit against Henley and Frey and they in turn brought suit aginst him. I havent heard the particulars of each suit or the outcome, if there has been one.

    I must not have that good of an ear. I didnt realize any of it was canned. I recorded it so I'll have to watch it again and pay more attention

    My wife and I saw them live at the Hell Freezes Over concert here in SoCAl. What a great concert. They had a blue spotlight that hit Felder with that double necked guitar when Hotel Calif started. All you could see on stage was him. The people went nuts. Outstanding :TU: :TU:

    I've always been an Eagles fan. They still sound great for a bunch of old farts. I would love to see them again
  19. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    It was a pretty good show. My favorite parts were the Joe Walsh songs. Watching them on TV it seems they are more animated now than back at their prime.
  20. StageTwo

    StageTwo It's a Beauty Too.

    I caught the latter part of the show (didn't know it was going to be on TV). They sounded great.

    It was 10 years ago this month that I saw them at the Silver Bowl in Las Vegas. I was in the 7th row center of the stage--what a show!

    I like them all, but I sure wish Joe Walsh would give us another solo album.

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