Electric system dead

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by Darron72Skylark, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Darron72Skylark

    Darron72Skylark Well-Known Member

    Ouch! Guess I earned that!

    BRUCE ROE Well-Known Member

    No doubt the fusible link has failed, no wonder with with all the heat, motion,
    dirt and moisture affecting the wiring down to the starter. My 62 had no such
    problems because the body wiring went to a big battery terminal on the fender,
    only 2 very heavy wires continuing down to operate the starter. It was also far
    easier to service the starter, just unbolt the 2 wires on the fender and drop the
    starter with those wires still attached. I believe we can thank bean counters
    for eliminating the upper terminal and dragging all those other wire (with their
    fusible links) down to the main starter terminal.

    After struggling with these problems a while, I decided to go for the reliability
    and convenience of the fender battery terminal. Here is a picture of the
    conversion on my 77, just cut the starter cable at a convenient point and
    rewire. The body wires are pulled out of the muck and stress at the bottom
    of the car, note fusible links making connection. Changing a starter is so
    much easier when it does not involve wiring while balancing a heavy starter
    on one hand. Bruce Roe

  3. Darron72Skylark

    Darron72Skylark Well-Known Member

    You were all correct, the fusible link was the issue. Got it replaced today- not an easy job.
    Happy to report that the Skylark has power and runs again!
    john.schaefer77 likes this.
  4. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey Totally bananas

    "...it's not dead... it's pining for the Fords..." :D


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