epoxy on q jet

Discussion in 'The Venerable Q-Jet' started by snucks, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. snucks

    snucks Well-Known Member

    while chasing down my vacuum leak I discovered these little treasures on my rebuilt carb
    what in the heck is that gold stuff that is just flaking off?
  2. lemmy-67

    lemmy-67 Platinum Level Contributor

    Don't know. Cadmium plating? 3M weatherstrip adhesive? If those are the original staked-in brass cups, they will leak like sieves. The soapy water & compressed air into the primary jets test will show it. Drill 'em out, cut some 1/2" coarse-thread screws and make some custom plugs sealed with Marine Tex.

    Cliff's Q-Jet book gives step-by-step instructions on what to do, and those wells will never leak again.
  3. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    Having trouble starting it in the morning? Probably having to cranks while to fill the carb. Those wells will leak out, and people for years have put all kinds of stuff over them to try and seal them.
    What year/number quadrajet is that? Those plugs look like they have been attempted to be pressed in.

    Lemme was right, get Cliffs book, drill the, tap them, plug them, no more problems.

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