Found this kind of funny....

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Chris Lott, Nov 4, 2002.

  1. Chris Lott

    Chris Lott 4 speed finally

    Posted on another board I watch.

    "I told you to let the clutch out SLOWLY!!!! "

  2. So thats where Honduhs come from ???????:laugh: :laugh:

  3. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    You know, if the Jeep had a little more wheel travel, She would have made it over the Snack car:laugh:
  4. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    Hummmmm she sells real estate and was talking on the phone while working her laptop and drinking her coffee and now she's really pi$$ed off at the vette owner for making "her" late to an appointment. Hey lady:moonu: :blast:

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