Found under the carpet...What is it?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by custom, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. custom

    custom Well-Known Member

    I've owned my Skylark Custom for over 4 years and have never really tried to dig around for the buildsheet, especially when I'm told that in most cases they can be found on top of the gas tank.
    After reading the dealer code thread I thought what the heck, I'll do a quick check under the carpets to see what treasure may await. To make a long story short I put my hand under the front forward portion of the carpet beneath the drivers side and I found the attached sticker. The info is somewhat faded and the picture may not be all that good but here is what I can see:
    6 8 70
    C O L L I N
    A I K M A N (the A may be an R)
    03 0550
    FISH A R (then 3 letters that aren't legible, possibly B or D, L, N?)

    Any ideas? It would be nice if it somehow yielded the answer to the interior question that has been eluding me for some time now.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Attached Files:

    • prod.jpg
      File size:
      93.8 KB
  2. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    Dude, you need to read "The Da Vinci Code."

  3. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Collins & Aikman is an NC based carpet ( textile ) manf.
  4. custom

    custom Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jim!
    The 6/8/70 date on it proves it's still the original carpet in the car(that looks brand new)

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