GSX Reunion at MCACN - Way to cool to miss!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by ToddsGS, Oct 30, 2018.

  1. PackerBacker

    PackerBacker Blake's Dad

    The S1 Convertible took home 3 pieces of hardware and scored a 997/1000 in judging. I'm unsure of the 3rd award at this time, it's being shipped to Anthony.
    It really is a unique/quirky car in terms of options.

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  2. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    I thought it had only received the two awards above, but I left right before the very end of the presentation. I actually went back and told Vince that they had won the second award. He was packing up the car and was unaware of it.

    I thought that Anthony had said they scored 998. Either way, 997 or 998, the car was nice, but certainly a very surprising score.

    Steve, can you post some of the pictures from when you owned it / sold it? The car has certainly come a long way since then.
  3. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    To my knowledge Anthony won two awards - Best of Show (Buick) and Concourse Gold. Not sure of a 3rd one. I spoke to him last night and will chat again today. Either way, the car looked great!!
    philip roitman likes this.
  4. philip roitman

    philip roitman Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Beautiful car. Sorry I missed it.
    ToddsGS likes this.
  5. philip roitman

    philip roitman Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on the Awards. Beautiful car. Well deserved.
  6. PackerBacker

    PackerBacker Blake's Dad

    Perhaps I misunderstood what he said 2 vs 3 awards??? I was in a crowded area speaking with him on the cell phone. Originally the score was 998 but there was an adjustment of 1 point for a wiper blade (maybe mfgr? not sure) giving the then 997.

    Chris, we lost a lot of family history in a lower level flood (computers, photo albums/heirlooms as the tip of an iceburg) years before cloud computing and thumb drives existed. You could download copies onto CD's back then but it was one of those things I never got too. Lost tons of family photos, various milestones photos and pictures of all my old cars......
  7. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    Believe it or not the point was lost because the wiper arms were "To Shiny" as in almost chromed.

    We (Gordon) lost a couple points for a dirty floor mat of all things! They were clean when the car was delivered but the in and out getting it into the building cost us 2 points. Lol
    Gordon was able to laugh about it but still somewhat frustrating. We also go docked for a tiny bit of rubbing compound residue that was inside the trunk - below the marker light. He literally had to use a flashlite to show it to us.

    The Judge told us right out they generally don't hand out perfect scores so they're really looking for stuff!!!!!

    Great show either way and all parties in our group left happy!!
  8. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    Thank You! We have a happy customer which is what I strive for! Having a huge passion for these cars helps! I want them as nice if not nicer than the owners!!!! :)
    philip roitman and cjp69 like this.
  9. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Very true, very rare to see a 1,000 point car.

    The judges were very kind to Anthony on his car. I think it may have been judged at the end of a long day for the judges.

    Anthony is a real nice guy and wanted to know what things needed correcting, so several of the Buick guys went over the car with him and helped him make a "to do list" of things to fix before taking it to the GS Nationals, and he wanted to make sure he did them right on the two customer cars he is working on.
    Daves69, ToddsGS and philip roitman like this.
  10. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Wow, that is a bummer about the family photos, etc.!

    I will see if I can dig up some old photos of it, they may be in an email somewhere.
  11. dl7265

    dl7265 No car then Mopar

    The white Conv won best Buick ?
  12. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Yes, with a high score of 997!!!!
  13. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    I believe Gordon's car scored a 994 (out of 1,000) We had to laugh about loosing 2 Points for a slightly dirty floor mat. We scrubbed them clean prior to loading the car but I suppose some dust got on them when driving it into the building. Lol

    Here's a before and after shot taken at Autokraft where we did the restoration. Both photos are in the same building. You can really see a difference in the fresh paint!



    And an Engine Pic.....


    We're already gearing up for the 2020 show in which we plan to show the "Barn Find" GSX!
    Brett Slater likes this.
  14. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Too cool, Todd! Are you keeping the barn find a "barn find" for the show?
  15. ToddsGS

    ToddsGS Founders Club Member

    That's been talked about a couple times now and ultimately it's up to Gordon but I believe after seeing the Concours Gold awards being handed out at MCACN he'll be gunning for one of them!
    Smartin likes this.
  16. PackerBacker

    PackerBacker Blake's Dad

    In a word WOW, beautiful looking car.
    ToddsGS likes this.

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